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Collaboration in Authoritarian and Armed Conflict Settings

Edited by: Juan Espindola, Leigh A. Payne

ISBN13: 9780197267059
Published: June 2022
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £70.00

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Who is the collaborator, or in whose eyes? What is the motivation to collaborate: for material gain, for ideology, for duty? When is collaboration betraying a hated enemy, and when is it something else: personal revenge or an instrumental, rational, or even coerced response to a situation, for example? Why do collaborators meet such harsh punishment and stigma when they are revealed as such? Can they ever atone or find redemption? Beyond the perception of the stakeholders involved, how harmful is collaboration? Does it exacerbate or abate violence? Is it always evil or can it sometimes be seen as mitigating wrongs?

The chapters in Collaboration in Authoritarian and Armed Conflict Settings explore these thorny questions through a set of case studies, disciplinary approaches, and temporal and regional contexts. They show the range of the types of collaboration; the ubiquity of collaboration across time, countries, political systems, and political and cultural conflicts.

Legal History
1. Coming to Terms with Collaboration: An Introduction, Juan Espindola and Leigh A. Payne
Part I: The Politics of Collaboration?
2. Native Intelligence: African Detectives and Informers in Colonial South Africa, Jacob Dlamini
3. Be My Character: Framing the Collaborator in Argentine Literary Tradition, Ksenija Bilbija
4. Collaboration in Low-Intensity Conflicts: The Case of the Basque Country, Luis de la Calle
Part II: Collaboration Moments
5. Collaboration and Opportunism in Communist Czechoslovakia, Mark Drumbl and Barbora Holá
6. Black Collaboration During American Slavery?, Andrea L. Dennis
7. Third-Party Collaborators in the Colombian Armed Conflict: A Paramilitary Case Study, Gerson Iván Arias and Carlos Andrés Prieto
8. Informing, Intelligence, and Public Policy in Northern Ireland: Some Overlooked Negative Consequences of Deploying Informers against Political Violence?, Ron Dudai and Kevin Hearty
9. The Collaboration of the Intellectuals: Legal Academia and the Third Reich, Oren Gross
10. Grudge Informers: The Hart-Fuller Debate on Accountability for Collaborators with Repressive Regimes Revisited, Colleen Murphy
11. Business Collaborators on Trial: Legal Obstacles to Corporate Accountability in Argentina, Gabriel Pereira
12. International Law and Collaboration: A Tentative Embrace, Shane Darcy
13. Conclusion: Reckoning with Collaboration, Juan Espindola and Leigh A. Payne

Series: Proceedings of the British Academy

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