Blackstone's Criminal Practice 2022 (Book, 3 Supplements & eBook Pack)
ISBN13: 9780192849427
Published: October 2021
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback, 3 Supplements + eBook
Price: Out of print
Led by Professor David Ormerod and David Perry QC, Blackstone's Criminal Practice brings together an expert team of authors with a commitment to deliver a work which offers the right coverage for criminal practice and authoritative statements of the law in a practical and accessible format. With an accompanying supplement containing essential primary materials and commentary updates throughout the year, and access to regular web updates and the additional analysis provided by Blackstone's Briefing, you can rely on Blackstone's Criminal Practice to be your constant companion.
The 2022 edition has been meticulously revised to provide extensive coverage of all new legislation, case law, Sentencing Guidelines, and Criminal Procedure Rules 2020 and Practice Directions.
Supplement 1 is included with this pack. Two further cumulative supplements, published in early and mid-2022, provide updated commentary and analysis as well as the latest updates to the Sentencing Guidelines, Criminal Procedure Rules and Practice Directions, and key PACE codes and other guidelines.
Digital access is provided on OUP LawReader, offering instant online and offline access, full text searching, extensive links from citations to judgements on BAILII and ICLR, and tools to annotate, highlight and print content. Use OUP LawReader to create your own links to Blackstone's content in the digital edition and share them, or embed them in other documents, with just a few clicks.
- Your single point of reference for the criminal courts
- Renowned for its ease of use with a clear, common-sense, structure and index, Blackstone's Criminal Practice makes the information you need instantly accessible
- Practical guidance on procedure and sentencing ensures the work is your essential companion through every stage of every trial
- The supplement included contains the full updated text of the Criminal Procedure Rules, the Criminal Practice Directions, and the Sentencing Guidelines, as well as the key PACE Codes, Attorney General's Guidelines, and the Code for Crown Prosecutors
- Use OUP LawReader to create your own links to Blackstone's content in the digital edition and share them, or embed them in other documents, with just a few clicks
- Two further cumulative supplements, published in early and mid-2022, provide key updates to the main work, as well as providing you with the latest updates to the Sentencing Guidelines, Criminal Procedure Rules and Practice Directions, as well as the main PACE codes and other guidelines
New to this edition:
- Legislative developments including the Sentencing Act 2020; the Counter-Terrorism and Sentencing Act 2021; the Domestic Abuse Act 2021; the Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Act 2021; and the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021
- Coverage of key cases in Part A: Criminal Law includes Thacker and CS on defences and MS on attempts
- Updates on offences include Rebelo on manslaughter; Reed on child sex offences; Bermingham on dishonesty and conspiracy to defraud; Chipunza on burglary; Martins on robbery; Dunleavy on terrorism and excuses; DPP v Ziegler on obstructing the highway; Flint and Holmes on explosives; and Brecani and VCL (ECtHR) on victims of trafficking
- The latest updates on Procedure include A on interception of communications; R (DPP) v Woolwich Crown Court on custody time-limits; R (KBR) v Director of the SFO on production orders and extraterritoriality; Wangige on abuse of process; Gould on Crown Court powers under s. 66 of the Courts Act 2003; and Binoku and Mustafa on judicial conduct
- Cases covered in Part E: Sentencing include McCann and Sinaga on life sentences; Shaikh on early release provisions; Rose on the duty to explain the sentences; Beckett on sentencing remarks; and Hilsdon on sentencing and insolvency
- Updated case coverage in Part F; Evidence; includes T on sexual history evidence; Muldoon on hostile witnesses; Byrne on expert evidence and bad character; Wainwright on lies; Mohammed, Lanning and Hamilton on bad character; Thomasson on hearsay and e-fits; Williams on confessions; and Dickens on identification
- Part E (Sentencing), completely overhauled and issued in its entirety as a supplement to the 2021 edition to reflect The Sentencing Code (in force since 1st December 2020), is now incorporated into the main work
- The supplement packaged with the main work includes The Criminal Procedure Rules 2020 (as amended and in force from 4 October 2021), integrated with the Criminal Practice Directions 2015 as amended, and the Sentencing Guidelines, including the new guidelines on Unauthorised use of a Trade Mark Offences and Modern Slavery Offences, and revised guidelines on Assault Offences
- Includes the full text of The Attorney-General's Revised (December 2020) Guidelines on Disclosure for Investigators, Prosecutors and Defence Practitioners
- New expert contributor, Steven Bird, Managing Director of Birds Solicitors LLP, for the sections on Public Funding and Costs.