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Sovereignty and the New Executive Authority

Edited by: Claire Finkelstein, Michael Skerker

ISBN13: 9780190922542
Published: January 2019
Publisher: Oxford University Press USA
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: £91.00

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This volume explores moral and legal issues relating to sovereignty by addressing foundational questions about its nature, examining state sovereignty between states, and dealing with post 9/11 developments in the U.S., potentially destabilizing received views of democratic sovereignty. With essays addressing foundational, state and international sovereignty, the book focuses on Post 9/11 developments including the profusion of secret national security programs, including those pertaining to the interrogation, rendition, and detention of terror suspects; signal intercepts and meta-data analysis; and targeted killing of irregular militants; prompting questions regarding the legitimacy of executive power in this arena.

Other Jurisdictions , USA
Foreword by Alberto Mora
Table of Contents
Introduction by Claire Finkelstein

PART I: The Intellectual Roots of Sovereignty
1. Hobbes on Sovereign Authority: How the Right of Nature Becomes Sovereign Right
David Gauthier
2. Kant on the Right and Duty of Sovereignty
Jacob Weinrib
3. Sovereignty and Freedom
William E. O'Brian Jr.

PART II: SOVEREIGNTY in the Present Age: Modern Executive Authority In a Constitutional Democracy
4. Defining and Constraining the Sovereign: Charles Fried
5. Sovereignty and the Power of the Sovereign
Christopher Morris
6. Locating Sovereignty in Systems of Divided and Limited Government
S.A. Lloyd
7. The Publian President in the 21st Century
Sanford Levinson

PART III: Vertical Sovereignty: Presidential Powers and National Security
8. The Imperial Presidency and the Rule of Law
Claire Finkelstein
9. A Two-Level Account of Executive Authority
Michael Skerker
10. Transparency and Executive Authority
Chris Naticchia
11. Secret Laws and Tribunals
Larry May

Part IV: Horizontal Sovereignty: International Relations and War
12. Logically Private Laws: Legislative Secrecy in 'The War on Terror'
Duncan MacIntosh
13. A Global Practice-based Conception of Domestic Sovereignty
Aaron James
14. Contract, Treaty, and Sovereignty
Matthew Lister
15. National Insecurity: Democracy, War, and Popular Sovereignty
Alexander Guerrero
