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The Art of the Advocate 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780140179316
ISBN: 0140179313
Previous Edition ISBN: 0140136525
Published: April 1993
Publisher: Penguin Books
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £14.99

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Every day, in every court and tribunal, advocates represent us all - Crown and defendant, landlord and tenant, rich and poor, honest and false alike. What are their duties to court and client, and how do they affect the advocate's conduct? What sort of intelligence and what skills of presentation do they need? What problems does the structure of examination, cross-examination and re-examination pose for a client's case?

In this illuminating and newly updated account Richard Du Cann surveys the role of advocates at every stage of their work. He gives a fascinating insider's view of the function and technique of advocacy, illustrating his examination with three cases.

These include a libel, Laski v. the Newark Advertiser Co. Ltd, and a murder case, Rex v. Gardiner, both widely regarded as miscarriages of justice brought about, at least in part, by the intervention of the particular advocates engaged in them.

In order to show how little the system has changed and how other systems might operate, this new edition also includes a third case, or series of cases, the proceedings in four different Courts arising from the sinking of the ferry Herald of Free Enterprise outside Zeebrugge harbour in Belgium in 1987.


Laski v. The Newark Advertiser Co. Ltd and Parlby
Rex v. William Gardiner
The Herald of Free Enterprise
1. Introduction
2. The Duty of the Advocate
3. The Essentials of Advocacy
4. Opening the Case
5. Establishing the Case
6. Cross-Examinatioh: Aims, Duties, Dangers;
7. The Weapons of Cross-Examination
8. Style in Cross-Examination
9. Remainders
10. The Final Speech
11. Style in Speeches
12. Verdict