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Transboundary Damage in International Law

ISBN13: 9780521814232
ISBN: 0521814235
Published: March 2003
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £122.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9780521118309

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The Chernobyl disaster and the 'Amoco Cadiz' oil spill are examples of environmental catastrophes that have crossed national borders and resulted in complex legal disputes in international law. Professor Xue details the international rules and compensation procedures that apply to transboundary environmental disputes in this well-researched and comprehensive book. At the same time as she discusses existing laws on international liability, she also considers those underlying legal issues that require further development. Written from the perspective of a country coping with rapid economic and social development, this book offers an examination of the problems of transnational environmental damage from a fresh and challenging new perspective. As well as scholars and upper-level students, this book will interest government officials, international lawyers and jurists.

Environmental Law
1. Introduction; 2. Accidental damage; 3. Substantive rules and principles: issues and problems; 4. Non-accidental damage; 5. The doctrine of due diligence and standard of conduct; 6. Damage to the global commons; 7. Legal issues relating to damage to the global commons; 8. The nature and basis of international liability; 9. Conclusions; Bibliography; Index.