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In Defense of Natural Law

ISBN13: 9780199242993
ISBN: 0199242992
Published: January 2001
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £68.00
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780198267713

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In ""Making Men Moral"", Robert George questioned the central doctrines of liberal jurisprudence and political theory. In this work, he extends his critique of liberalism, and also goes beyond it to show how contemporary natural law theory provides a superior way of thinking about basic problems of justice and political morality. Not content merely to defend natural law from its ""cultural despisers""; he deftly turns the tables and deploys the idea to mount an attack on regnant liberal beliefs about such issues as abortion, sexuality, and the place of religion in public life.

Part 1 Theoretical Issues
1: A Defense of the New Natural Law Theory
2: Recent Criticism of Natural Law Theory
3: Natural Law and Human Nature
4: Does the ' Incommensurabiltiy Thesis' Imperil Common Sense Moral Judgements
5: Natural Law and Positive Law
6: Free Choice, Practical Reason and Fitness for the Rule of Law
Part 2 Moral and Political Questions
7: Religious Liberty and Political Morality
8: Marriage and the Liberal Imagination
9: What Sex Can Be: Alienation, Illusion, or One-Flesh Union
10: Making Children Moral: Pornography, Parents and the Public Interest
11: Public Reason and Political Conflict: Abortion and Homosexual Acts
12: Natural Law and International Order
Part 3 Dialectical Engagement
13: Moral Particularism, Thomism, and Traditions
14: Human Flourishing as a Criterion of Morality: A Critique of Percy's Naturalism
15: Nature, Morality and Homosexuality
16: Can Sex be Reasonable?
17: Moralistic Liberalism and Legal Moralism
18: Law, Democracy, and Moral Disagreement.