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Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England in 4 Volumes

Edited by: Wayne Morrison

ISBN13: 9781859414828
ISBN: 1859414826
Published: May 2001
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback, 4 Volumes & Slipcase
Price: £550.00

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Sir William Blackstones Commentaries on the Laws of England is the great text of the common law. First published in four volumes between 1765 and 1769, it was the legal publishing sensation of the 18th century. By translating Blackstones Commentaries on the Laws of England, these volumes allow the reader to master the text without the barrier of a centuries-old language.

The introduction discusses the importance of Blackstones work and highlights its influence in the present day. The collection includes a table of regnal years, a chronological table of Blackstones life and the publishing history of the Commentaries. It is an indispensable text for all law libraries and the central resource for rediscovering Blackstones achievements.

Legal History
1: On the Study of the Law
2: Of the Nature of Laws in General
3: Of the Laws of England
4: Of the Countries Subject to the Laws of England

Book 1: Rights of Persons
1: Of the Absolute Rights of Individuals
2: Of the Parliament
3: Of the King, and His Title
4: Of the King's Royal Family
5: Of the Councils Belonging to the King
6: Of the King's Duties
7: Of the King's Prerogative
8: Of the King's Revenue
9: Of Subordinate Magistrates
10: Of the People, whether Aliens, Denizens, or Natives
11: Of the Clergy
12: Of the Civil State
13: Of the Military and Maritime States
14: Of Master and Servant
15: Of Husband and Wife
16: Of Parent and Child
17: Of Guardian and Ward
18: Of Corporations

Book 2: Rights of Things
1: Of Property in General
2: Of Real Propety and, First, of Corporeal Hereditaments
3: Incorporeal Hereditaments
4: Of the Feudal System
5: Of the Ancient English Tenures
6: Of the Modern English Tenures
7: Of Freehold Estates, of Inheritance
8: Of Freeholds, Not of Inheritance
9: Of Estates Less than Freehold
10: Of Estates Upon Condition
11: Of Estates in Possession, Remainder, and Reversion
12: Of Estates in Severalty, Joint-Tenancy, Coparcenary, and Common
13: Of the Title to Things Real in General
14: Of Title by Descent
15: Of Title by Purchase, and First by Escheat
16: Of Title by Occupancy
17: Of Title by Prescription
18: Of Title by Forfeiture
19: Of Title by Alienation
20: Of Alienation by Deed
21: Of Alienation by Matter of Record
22: Of Alienation by Special Custom
23: Of Alienation by Devise
24: Of Things Personal
25: Of Property in Things Personal
26: Of Title to Things Personal by Occupancy
27: Of Title by Prerogative, and Forfeiture
28: Of Title by Custom
29: Of Title by Succession, Marriage, and Judgment
30: Of Title by Gift, Grant, and Contract
31: Of Title by Bankruptcy
32: Of Title by Testament, and Administration

Book 3: Private Wrongs
1: Of the Redress of Private Wrongs by the Mere Act of Parties
2: Of Redress by the Mere Operation of Law
3: Of Courts in General
4: Of the Public Courts of Common Law and Equity
5: Of Courts Ecclesiastical, Military and Maritime
6: Of Courts of a Special Jurisdiction
7: Of the Cognizance of Private Wrongs
8: Of Wrongs and Their Remedies, Respecting the Rights of Persons
9: Of Injuries to Personal Property
10: Of Injuries to Real Property, and First of Dispossession, or Ouster
11: Of Dispossession, or Ouster, of Chattels Real
12: Of Trespass
13: Of Nuisance
14: Of Waste
15: Of Subtraction
16: Of Disturbance
17: Of Injuries Preeceding From, or Affecting, The Crown
18: Of the Pursuit of Remedies by Action
and, First, of the Original Writ
19: Of Process
20: Of Pleading
21: Of Issue and Demurrer
22: Of the Several Species of Trial
23: Of the Trial by Jury
24: Of Judgments, and Its Incidents
25: Of Proceedings, In the Nature of Appeals
26: Of Execution
27: Of Proceedings in the Courts of Equity
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III

Book 4: Public Wrongs
1: Of the Nature of Crimes, and Their Punishment
2: Of the Persons Capable of Committing Crimes
3: Of Principals and Accessories
4: Of Offenses Against God and Religion
5: Of Offenses Against the Law of Nations
6: Of High Treason
7: Of Felonies, Injurious to the King's Perogative
8: Of Praemunire
9: Of Misprisions and Contempts, Affecting the King and Government
10: Of Offenses Against Public Justice
11: Of Offenses Against the Public Peace
12: Of Offenses Against Public Trade
13: Of Offenses Against the Public Health, the Public Police or Economy ;
14: Of Homicide
15: Of Offenses Against the Persons of Individuals
16: Of Offenses Against the Habitations of Individuals
17: Of Offenses Against Private Property
18: Of the Means of Preventing Offenses
19: Of the Courts of Criminal Jurisdiction
20: Of Summary Convictions
21: Of Arrests
22: Of Commitment and Bail
23: Of the Several Modes of Prosecution
24: Of Process Upon an Indictment
25: Of Arraignment, and Its Incidents
26: Of Plea, and Issue
27: Of Trial, and Conviction
28: Of the Benefit of Clergy
29: Of Judgment, and its Consequences
30: Of Reversal of Judgment
31: Of Reprieve, and Pardon
32: Of Execution
33: Of the Rise, Progress, and Gradual Improvements, of the Laws of England