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You, The People: The United Nations, Transitional Administration, and State-Building

ISBN13: 9780199263486
ISBN: 0199263485
Published: July 2005
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £180.00

The governance of post-conflict territories embodies a central contradiction: how does one help a population prepare for democratic governance and the rule of law by imposing a form of benevolent autocracy? Transitional administrations represent the most complex operations attempted by the United Nations.

The operations in East Timor and Kosovo are commonly seen as unique in the history of the UN - perhaps never to be repeated. But they may also be seen as the latest in a series of operations that have involved the United Nations in 'state-building' activities, where it has attempted to develop the institutions of government by assuming some or all of those sovereign powers on a temporary basis.

The circumstances that have demanded such interventions certainly will be repeated. Seen in the context of earlier UN operations, such as those in Namibia, Cambodia, and Eastern Slavonia, the view that these exceptional circumstances may not recur is somewhat disingenuous. Moreover, the need for such policy research has been brought into sharp focus by the weighty but ambiguous role assigned to the UN in Afghanistan and the possibility of a comparable role in Iraq. This book fills that gap.

Aimed at policy-makers, diplomats, and a wide academic audience (including international relations, political science, international law, and war studies), the book provides a concise history of UN state-building operations and a treatment of the five key issues confronting such an operation on the ground: peace and security, the role of the UN as government, judicial reconstruction, economic reconstruction, and exit strategies.

Introduction; 1 Colonies and Occupied Territories: Transitional Administrations Through the Twentieth Century; 2 Power and Change: The Evolution of United Nations Complex Peace Operations; 3 Peace and Security: The Use of Force to Maintain Law and Order; 4. Consultation and Accountability: Building Democracy Through Benevolent Autocracy; 5 Justice and Reconciliation: The Rule of Law in Post-Conflict Territories; 6 Relief and Reconstruction: The Politics of Humanitarian and Development Assistance; 7 Elections and Exit Strategies: No Exit Without a Strategy, or No Strategy Without an Exit; 8 'You, the People': The Future of State-Building