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The Expert in Litigation and Arbitration

ISBN13: 9781859786628
ISBN: 1859786626
Published: September 1999
Publisher: Informa Law from Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £525.00

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This text gives a picture of the role and duties of the expert witness both in the UK and in seven other jurisdictions. With articles and chapters from leading practitioners around the world, it looks at the role of the expert in different disciplines and jurisdictions, examining topical issues.

Evidence, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
The use of experts in litigation in Germany, Volker Triebel
the expert in France, Michael Brisac, Bernard Peckells, Michael Chapman
the expert in Italy, Vicenzo Vigorriti, Aldo Berlinguer
the expert in the USA, Faust F. Rossi
the expert in Australia, A.A.De Fina
the expert in mainland China and Hong Kong, Fei Ning
expert evidence in litigation and arbitration in Hong Kong, David Leonard
the expert witness in medical cases, Nigel H. Harns
the expert witness in criminal cases, Patrick Sheen
the expert witness in construction dispute cases, Roger Trett
the expert witness in insurance and reinsurance cases, Phillippa Rowe
the expert witness in maritime dispute cases, Ron Vince
the expert witness in rent review dispute cases, Peter Wainwright, Lesley Webber
interlocutory and hearing problems and the expert witness, D.Mark Cato
the ocurts and independent experts, Lesley Webber
final and binding, Jonathan Gaunt, Nicholas Cheffings
expert determination in commercial contracts, Doug Jones
expert determination in construction disputes, Tony Ensom
expert determination in rent review disputes, Tim Copper
expertise v experts - the experience of the commodity sector, Graham Parr
interlocutory and hearing problems inexpert determination, D.Mark Cato.