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Aviation Trends in the New Millennium

Ruwantissa AbeyratneInternational Civil Aviation Organization, Montreal, Canada

ISBN13: 9780754612995
ISBN: 0754612996
Published: February 2001
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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This text explores questions of growing importance in international aviation law. Topics covered in depth include: mental injury; unruly passengers; spread of tuberculosis in aircraft; and the impact of turbulence on passengers. The subjects are treated internationally, traversing the field of aviation law from micro to macro level. The author also tackles the information-based problems of the future, such as problems of slot allocation and functioning of computer reservation systems on the Internet. Traditional areas of public international law are also covered in the addressing of problems related to refugees and inadmissible passengers.;The text fills a gap in the literature for a new approach to air carrier liability problems consonant with the requirements of the regime instituted by the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, signed on 28 May 1999 by the Contracting States of the International Civil Aviation Organization.

Part I Commercial issues: strategic alliances of airlines; aircraft leasing; slot allocation and airport congestion; privatization of airports; the display of airline computer reservation systems on the Internet; the use of the Smart Card; the exchange of trade secrets relating to information technology; trademarks of the airline industry; carriage of inadmissible passengers and refugees; the fuel tax and emissions trading as market-based options in air transport. Part II Liability issues: turbulence and personal injury; the spread of tuberculosis in the aircraft cabin; wilful misconduct of the airline; mental injury; negligence of the airline pilot; unruly passengers; transportation of abducted children; state liability for the Global Navigation Satellite System; liability issues - prevention of controlled flight into terrain. Part III The future of aviation in the regions: the Asian region; the African region; the European region; the Latin American region.
Part 4 Conclusion.