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Unravelling Criminal Justice: Eleven British Studies

Edited by: David Downes

ISBN13: 9780333540572
ISBN: 0333540573
Published: August 1992
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £44.00

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This book brings together the major findings of 11 projects funded under the ""Crime and the Criminal Justice System Initiative"" by the Economic and Social Research Council in the mid-1980s. Normally, each project team produces a spate of books and articles for largely academic audiences, but in this case a special effort has also been made to convey the importance of the findings to a wider public. The crises which afflict our criminal justice system can only be resolved if their hard-won insights are taken up in public policy debates.;Topics range from chapters on the changes in criminal justice policy since 1945 to the scope for using the law as a resource to devise elaborate schemes of tax avoidance. Major policy initiatives on criminal prosecution and police accountability are shown to be falling short of their objectives. In these and other chapters, the complexity of key problems that beset the system is unravelled and the possibilities of change are set out in correspondingly sharp relief.

Criminal Law
Criminal justice policy in Britain since 1945, Anthony Bottoms, Simon Stevenson; crime, community and conflict - the multi-agency approach , Geoffrey Pearson, Harry Blagg, David Smith, Alice Sampson, Paul Stubbs; discourse and decision-making in Scottish prisons, Michael Adler, Brian Longhurst; security, control and humane containment in the prison system, Roy King, Kathleen McDermott; researching the discretions to charge and to prosecute, Roger Leng, Michael McConville, Andrew Sanders; ethnic minorities, crime and criminal justice - a study of a provincial city, Tony Jefferson, Monica Walker, Mary Seneviratne; talking about policing, Rod Morgan; crime and criminal justice in the media, Philip Schelesinger, Howard Tumber; women's criminal careers, Pat Carlen; the victims of fraud, Michael Levi, Andrew Pithouse; it's not what you do but the way that you do it, Doreen McBarnet.