Practical Lease Precedents Looseleaf (Annual)
ISBN13: 9780851211541
Latest Release: February 25, 2025
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Subscriptions
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf, 3 Volumes
Subscription Type: Annual Subscription
Domestic Renewal Price: £4428.96
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Offering a definitive collection of lease documents that can be easily customised for your precise needs, Practical Lease Precedents:
- Sets out ready-to-use documents for both routine situations and special circumstance
- Includes clauses with variations for dealing with all types of rented property
- Provides forms of lease, tenancy agreement and licence for offices, shops, industrial and storage property, and rural property
- Features each form begining with a summary of the five vital provisions - rent, repairs, decoration, insurance and dealings
- Contains hundreds of clauses to provide optional additions and alternatives to meet specific situations
- Includes a section with over 30 forms of consent granted by the landlord and deeds of variation of the terms of a lease
Subscription Information: 5-6 updating releases per year