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Sorcellerie Et Justice Criminelle (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781040247679
ISBN: 0860783200
Published: June 1994
Publisher: Routledge
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £49.99
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The Parlement of Paris was the largest secular court in Christendom. Although its criminal archives have been preserved virtually intact, historians of the period of the great witch trials, as well as scholars of the Ancien Regime in general, have been discouraged by the notorious difficulties of research into them, and have effectively avoided these records. Alfred Soman has undertaken this task. In the 15 articles included here he contends that criminal justice in the 16th- and 17th century France was far more humane and less severe than traditional assumptions would suggest. As early as 1588, the High Court began to take steps to restrain indiscriminate witch hunting, particularly in the eastern provinces where prosecutions were instigated not in conformity with, but in defence of, the highest judicial authority in the land.

Part 1 La Sorcellerie - premiers pas: ""Les proces de sorcellerie au Parlement de Paris (1565-1640)""; ""The Parlement of Paris and the great witch hunt (1565-1640)""; ""La Sorcellerie vue du Parlement de Paris au debut du XVIIe siecle"".
Part 2 Criminalite et justice criminelle: ""Deviance and criminal justice in western Europe, 1300-1800 - an essay in structure""; ""Le Registre consistorial de Coutras, 1582-1584""; ""Aux origines de l'appel de droit dan l'Ordonnance criminelle de 1670""; ""La Justice criminelle aux XVIe-XVIIe siecles - le Parlement de Paris et les sieges subalternes"".
Part 3 Le Decodage des archives judiciaires: ""Pathologie historique - le temoignage des proces de bestialite aux XVIe-XVIIe siecles""; ""La querelle de l'antimoine - Guy Patin sur la sellette""; ""Un bucher pour un judaisant - Jean Fontanier (1621)""; ""Le temoignage maquille - encore un aspect de l'infra-justice a l'epoque moderne"".
Part 4 La Sorcellerie - vers une synthese: ""La Decriminalisation de la sorcellerie en France""; ""Trente proces de sorcellerie dans le Perche (1566-1624)""; ""Le Role des Ardennes dans la decriminalization de la sorcellerie en France""; ""Decriminalizing witchcraft - does the French experience furnish a European model""?