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Adjudicating Construction and Engineering Disputes

ISBN13: 9781916749276
Published: September 2024
Publisher: London Publishing Partnership
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £50.00

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This book provides a cradle to grave guide to the process of construction industry adjudication from the perspective of the adjudicator. It covers the whole process of adjudication, from the initial enquiry through case management, the conduct of the proceedings, the production of the Decision and post-Decision matters. The purpose is to provide a resource for aspiring and practising adjudicators, both in the UK and internationally.

Since its inception in the UK in 1998, adjudication has become the forum of choice in the UK construction industry, and its success has seen the process increasingly being used in other jurisdictions as well as on international construction projects. The adjudication process has evolved into a highly complex one, requiring considerable skill on the part of the adjudicator, who is often required to work under tight timelines in what can be a high-pressure environment. This can create particular challenges and a number of potential pitfalls for the unwary. Although there are a number of texts that cover adjudication, their focus is the law and practice of adjudication from the perspective of the users; this guide is from the perspective of the adjudicator.

Construction Law