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Media Pluralism in the Digital Era: Legal, Economic, Social, and Political Lessons Learnt from Europe

Edited by: Elda Brogi, Iva Nenadić, Pier Luigi Parcu

ISBN13: 9781032567617
Published: September 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £130.00

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Bringing together scholars, journalists, and researchers from 27 European countries, this book provides a comparative and longitudinal analysis of the evolvement of conditions and standards relevant for sustainable, free, and plural media and journalism in Europe in the last 10 years.

Approaching the challenging and ever-changing concept of media pluralism from various complementary and sometimes conflicting angles, combining legal, economic, social, and political perspectives, chapters provide a holistic account of the concept of media pluralism, a key condition for a well-functioning democracy. This book draws on data from the Media Pluralism Monitor project, a scientific tool designed and implemented on a regular basis to document the health of media ecosystems, to provide insights into central dimensions of media systems across the EU and candidate countries. These include:

  • the fundamental protection of freedom of expression and safety of journalists, and the independence of media authorities
  • market plurality, transparency of ownership, media concentration, media viability, competition enforcement, and digital platforms’ dominance
  • disinformation, media literacy, and digital challenges
  • political independence, conflicts of interest, editorial autonomy, and the independence of public service media
  • social inclusiveness, including access to media and representation of women, and community media

Offering a comprehensive overview of key areas of EU media policy, causes and solutions for the media economic struggle, and innovative examples of business models for journalism in the digital age, this book is recommended reading for advanced students and researchers of media policy and regulation, as well as policymakers.

Media and Entertainment Law
Chapter 1: Monitoring media pluralism in a comparative manner: A holistic and evolving instrument
Elda Brogi, Beata Klimkiewicz, and Pier Luigi Parcu
Chapter 2: A decade of digital transformation: Pluralism between the media and digital platforms
Iva Nenadić, Roberta Carlini, and Orlin Spassov
Chapter 3: Towards a resilient public sphere: Fighting disinformation and promoting media literacy
Konrad Bleyer-Simon, Ville Manninen, and Aukse Balcytiene
Chapter 4: Threats to Press Freedom and Journalists' Safety: A Comparative Study of Greece, Slovakia, and Spain
Mária Žuffová, Lambrini Papadopoulou, and Jaume Suau Martinez
Chapter 5: Understanding the democratic role of media ownership transparency
Danielle Borges and Christophoros Christophorou
Chapter 6: Sustainability of the European media market(s)
Konrad Bleyer-Simon, Paško Bilić, and Franck Rebillard
Chapter 7: Media viability vs Market plurality: a comparative perspective
Roberta Carlini, Francisco Rui Cádima, Roderick Flynn, and Jan Christopher Kalbhenn
Chapter 8: Tools and strategies of political capture of the media in Europe
Matteo Trevisan, Václav Štětka, and Marko Milosavljevič
Chapter 9: Evolution of space and geography in media pluralism: A typology of community media in the European Union
Marie Palmer and Josef Seethaler
Chapter 10: Far from gender balance: The persisting underrepresentation of women in the media
Marie Palmer and Marína Urbániková
Chapter 11: Public service media in Latvia, Luxembourg, and Malta: A struggle for independence and relevance in the digital age
Stephanie Lukasik, Raphael Kies, Anda Rožukalne, and Louiselle Vassallo
Chapter 12: The role of alternative news media online for media pluralism in Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey
Sofia Verza, Daniela Brkic, Tirse Erbaysal Filibeli, Irina Milutinović, Snezana Trpevska and Kristina Voko
Chapter 13: The future of monitoring and safeguarding media pluralism in Europe
Elda Brogi, Iva Nenadić, Pier Luigi Parcu, and Peggy Valcke
