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Copinger and Skone James on Copyright 19th ed (eBook)

Edited by: Nicholas Caddick, Gwilym Harbottle, Uma Suthersanen

ISBN13: 9780414121218
Published: December 2024
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: £530.00
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This 19th edition has been extensively revised and content added and rewritten to take account of the latest legislative and case law developments as well as the continuing impact of Brexit.

The title takes a subject-by-subject approach to take you through Copyright, Rights in Performances, Rights in Designs, Moral Rights and a variety of Miscellaneous Rights.

New content has been added covering the Computer Games industry and Technology.

Intellectual Property Law, eBooks
1. Introduction
2. Requirements for copyright protection
3. Authorship of copyright works
4. Title and licences
5. Duration and abandonment of copyright
6. The rights of a copyright owner: primary infringement
7. Secondary infringement of copyright
8. Permitted acts
9. Crown rights, parliamentary rights and the rights of international organisations
10. Moral rights
11. Rights in performances
12. Designs: introduction
13. Designs: UK unregistered design right
14. Designs: Unregistered Community designs, supplementary designs and registered designs
15. Copyright in designs
16. Design Litigation Issues: Threats and Privilege
17. Semiconductor technologies
18. Circumvention of protection measures and rights management information
19. Fraudulent reception of transmissions
20. Publication right
21. Database right
22. Public lending right
23. Artist's resale right
24. Civil remedies
25. Criminal remedies and customs seizure
26. International treaties
27. EU law
28. The protection of copyright works abroad
29. Exploitation of rights in particular industries
29.1. The publishing industry
29.2. The news industry
29.3. The music industry
29.4. The film industry
29.5. The broadcasting industry
29.6. The theatre industry
29.7. The advertising industry
29.8. The computer software industry
29.9. The computer games industry
30. Copyright and technology
31. Collecting societies
32. Control of the exercise of copyrights and related rights
33. Taxation of copyright