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Tort Law: Cases and Materials

ISBN13: 9781509971893
Published: July 2024
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £44.99

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Tort Law: Cases and Materials offers a fresh approach to the study of tort law. It is the essential companion to Green and Gardner's Tort Law textbook. Covering all aspects of the tort law curriculum, the inclusion of extracts from key cases, statutes, newspaper reports and articles demonstrates the law in action. The clear and insightful commentary, accompanying each extract, explains the significance of each and provides students with an enhanced understanding of the material, ensuring they can respond with more depth and analysis in their essay questions. Designed specifically around decolonising the curriculum, in addition to the standard and oft-cited materials, the expert authors have selected alternative voices, including feminist approaches, socio-legal perspectives and comparative material from multiple international jurisdictions. This provides students with a thorough and wide-ranging examination of tort law.

Tort Law
1. Introduction

Part 1: The Tort of Negligence
2. Duty of Care 3. Pure economic Loss 4. Psychiatric Injury 5. Breach of Duty 6. Causation 7. Remoteness

Part 2: Torts Relating to Land and Goods
8. Occupiers' Liability 9. Nuisance and the Rule in Rylands v Fletcher 10. Product Liability

Part 3: Intentional Torts
11. Economic Torts 12. Intentional Torts to the Person

Part 4: Defamation and Privacy
13. Defamation 14. Privacy

Part 5: General Matters
15. Vicarious Liability 16. Defences 17. Damages