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Collective Labour Rights for Self-employed Workers: A human-rights based approach of platform work (eBook)

ISBN13: 9789403506876
Published: August 2023
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £98.00
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Collective Labour Rights for Self-Employed Workers is a crucial and timely book depicting how a human rights-based approach (HRBA) towards collective labour rights can bridge the protection gap that many self-employed workers are currently facing. Platform work arrangements are often defended as an expression of technological progress with the potential to enable people to work as self-employed individuals, often without any supervision or control. It is by now, well-documented, though, that platform work not only shares important features of flexibility and precariousness with other casual work arrangements that are on the rise around the world but also entails the risk of excluding a significant portion of workers from the protection of fundamental collective labour rights, including their coverage from collective agreements. A HRBA identifies all workers, regardless of their employment status, as rights-holders that are entitled to rights, like the right to collective bargaining, derived from international human rights and labour rights instruments.

What’s in this book:

The research is an exhaustive description of the phenomenon of platform work along with a presentation of a thorough global overview of responses related to the challenges stemming from platform work arrangements and covers, inter alia, the following aspects:

  • problems, challenges, and questions related to platform work arrangements, and how those are linked to broader labour market trends
  • platform work’s deeper foundational implications for labour law
  • legal developments related to the regulation of platform work with an assessment of their limits when it comes to collective labour rights, also recognised as human rights
  • various ways in which platform workers and other atypical workers have managed to exercise their collective labour rights, and
  • promising indications of closer cooperation between organised labour and workers in non-standard forms of employment

    The analysis draws on international human rights and labour rights treaties and conventions, domestic legislation and regulations, rulings from international and national courts, and interpretative and authoritative sources including the relevant legal literature.

    How this will help you:

    The book showcases and responds to a genuine need for in-depth research concerning the protection of the human rights of platform workers with an analytical framework that will ensure their adequate protection. Its vital observations will be highly appreciated by practitioners in labour law, human rights law, and competition law, as well as by academics, human resources professionals, and labour and employment policymakers.

Employment Law, eBooks
Funder Acknowledgement
CHAPTER 1: Platform Work and Challenges in the World of Work
CHAPTER 2: The Effect(s) of Platform Work on Working Conditions and Collective Labour Rights and the Overall Impact on the Field of Labour Law
CHAPTER 3: Responses Towards the Regulation of Platform Work
CHAPTER 4: The Exercise of Platform Workers’ Fundamental Collective Rights in Practice
CHAPTER 5: The Implications of a HRBA Towards Fundamental Collective Labour Rights
CHAPTER 6: The Future of Industrial Relations and the Difficulties for the Effective Application of a HRBA
Summary of Findings and Conclusion(s)

Table of Case Law and Administrative Decisions
Table of Legislation