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Activist Shareholders in Corporate Governance: The Australian Experience and Its Comparative Implications

Tim (Wr Bowley, Marc MooreUniversity College London UK, Christopher Bruner

ISBN13: 9781509952267
Published: July 2024
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2023)
Price: £42.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781509952229

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This book explores the regulatory challenges of public company shareholder activism.

Around the world, policy makers, practitioners and academics debate how best to regulate shareholder activism. Using Australia as a case study, the book examines key issues raised by this debate. With a market structure and legal settings that are conducive to activism, Australia makes an ideal case study and provides a fresh comparative perspective on the regulatory debate about shareholder activism, which tends to be dominated by US-focused analysis and commentary.

The book presents empirical evidence which reveals that Australian activism is a significant and multifaceted phenomenon, undertaken by different types of activists pursuing varying strategies and supported by a range of complementary market developments. The book uses this evidence to develop comparative insights and explore internationally topical issues, including:

  • activists' willingness to use interventionist governance rights
  • the role of intermediaries such as proxy advisers in facilitating activism
  • institutional investor stewardship, and
  • the risks of collective shareholder activism

This book provides an important comparative perspective on the topic of shareholder activism. It is an essential resource for policy makers, practitioners and academics interested in the regulatory implications of shareholder activism.

Company Law, Other Jurisdictions , Australia
List of Abbreviations
Table of Cases
Table of Legislation
1. Introduction
2. The Shareholder Activism Debate
3. The Setting for Australian Activism
4. The Evidence of Australian Shareholder Activism (I)
5. The Evidence of Australian Shareholder Activism (II)
6. The Nuances and Significance of Australian Shareholder Activism
7. Revisiting the Regulatory Debate (I): Shareholder Resolutions Law Reform
8. Revisiting the Regulatory Debate (II): Regulating Collective Shareholder Activism
9. Conclusion