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Private International Law in Australia 5th ed

ISBN13: 9780409355376
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780409348279
Published: January 2023
Publisher: LexisNexis Australia
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Paperback
Price: £99.50

Despatched in 7 to 9 days.

The fifth edition of this highly regarded book provides a clear and comprehensive analysis of the principles of private international law and the methods by which such principles are applied to cross-border legal problems in Australia.

Important recent developments in Australian private international law are discussed, together with legislative reforms and significant decisions, particularly of Australian courts. The fifth edition introduces chapters on the taking of evidence across state and national borders.

The book provides an in-depth examination of the following subjects:

  • introduction to private international law
  • civil jurisdiction and judgments in international litigation
  • civil jurisdiction and judgments in Australia and New Zealand
  • taking of evidence for Australian and foreign court proceedings
  • applicable law method
  • international family law
  • applicable law for obligations
  • applicable law for property
  • international company law

An understanding of the fundamental concepts in private international law is becoming increasingly important in legal practice, and the accessible style of this text makes it invaluable to both students and practitioners.


  • Detailed discussion of all key areas
  • Clear and accessible style
  • Comprehensive range of topics
  • Authoritative author team

Other Jurisdictions , Australia
Part 1: Introduction
1: Scope, development and purpose

Part 2: Civil jurisdiction and judgments in international litigation
2: Jurisdiction
3: Limits on jurisdiction
4: Discretionary restraints on jurisdiction
5: The enforcement of foreign judgments
6: Taking of evidence
7: International arbitration

Part 3: Civil jurisdiction and judgments in Australia and New Zealand
8: Personal jurisdiction in intranational and trans-Tasman cases
9: Limits and discretionary restraints on jurisdiction
10: The enforcement of judgments and taking of evidence

Part 4: Applicable law method
Ch 11: Applicable law method: The general part
Ch 12: Applicable law method: Complications and exceptions
Ch 13: Proof of foreign law
Ch 14: Personal and corporate connections
Ch 15: Constitutional limits on applicable law
Ch 16: Statutes

Part 5: International family law
Ch 17: The validity of marriage and other adult relationships
Ch 18: Separation, dissolution and annulment of marriage
Ch 19: Parental responsibility
Ch 20: Property and maintenance

Part 6: Applicable law for obligations
21: Contracts
22: Torts
23: Equitable claims and trusts

Part 7: Applicable law for property
24: The location and classification of property
25: Transfer of property between living and corporate persons
26: Succession to property on death

Part 8: International company law
27: International company law
28: Corporate insolvency