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World Criminal Justice Systems: A Comparative Survey 10th ed

ISBN13: 9781032308760
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781593453190
Published: October 2023
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: United States
Format: Paperback
Price: £105.00

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The revised 10th edition of this core textbook provides an understanding of major world criminal justice systems by discussing and comparing the systems of six of the world’s countries—each representative of a different type of legal system. England, France, Japan, South Africa, Russia, and China are all covered in detail, and an additional chapter on Islamic law uses three example nations to illustrate the range of practice within Sharia. Political, historical, organizational, procedural, and critical issues confronting the justice systems are explained and analyzed. Neatly organized with a parallel structure throughout the text, each chapter contains material on government, police, judiciary, law, corrections, juvenile justice, and other critical issues.

A new feature of this text focuses on the nature of the political world order and the significant clash between some democratic and authoritarian governments. Of particular concern are those authoritarian governments that have seen the rise of what has been popularly referred to as the strongman leader. The countries covered in this text have seen the emergence of four such strongmen. While the rise of each occurred in different contexts, they were each facilitated in significant ways by the manner in which they asserted their control over the country’s criminal justice system.

This book is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students in criminal justice, prelaw, and similar programs. Supplementary materials include test bank and lecture slides, with additional exercises to facilitate students’ comparisons of different approaches to justice around the world.

Comparative Law
South Africa
Islamic Law