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Government Accountability: Australian Administrative Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781009102926
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781316636695
Published: September 2023
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £84.99

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Government Accountability: Australian Administrative Law presents a thorough account of the administrative state and the mechanisms that exist to bring it to account for its actions. It contextualises the theory and explanation of administrative law through carefully chosen case studies and events that offer practical examples of the principles discussed and how they are applied. The third edition has been thoroughly updated to incorporate recent legal developments and includes expanded discussion of 'materiality' in the context of jurisdictional error. The examples used illustrate the operation of legal principles and reflect contemporary social and political circumstances. Written by a team of experts, and known for its clear, consistent and straightforward narrative with logical progression, Government Accountability remains a student-friendly guide to complex administrative law concepts. Government Accountability: Australian Administrative Law is accompanied by a casebook, Government Accountability Sources and Materials: Australian Administrative Law, which provides curated cases and primary legal materials with helpful commentary.

Other Jurisdictions , Australia
1. Introduction
Part I. Administrative Decision-making:
2. Organisation and structure of government
3. Administrative powers
4. Delegated legislation
Part II. Public Accountability Mechanisms:
5. Public investigatory bodies
6. Information disclosure
Part III. Merits Review:
7. Review on the merits
8. Administrative review tribunals
Part IV. Judicial Review:
9. Introduction to judicial review
10. Limits on judicial review
11. Introduction to the grounds of review
12. Procedural fairness
13. Grounds arising from the statute conferring a power
14. Grounds arising from the general law
15. Consequences of unlawful action.