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Animal Welfare in World Religion: Teaching and Practice

ISBN13: 9781032273990
Published: May 2023
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £32.99

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This unique and readable book examines the relationship between religion and animal welfare, taking a detailed dive into the teachings and practices of the major world religions.

While there are many books expounding the beliefs of the major religions and many about the rights and welfare of animals, there are few linking the two. With each chapter focusing on one of the five major religions – Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism – the book explores the beliefs and practices which drive our relationship with and treatment of animals. The book draws on the scriptures of the major faiths and includes the voices of leading historical religious figures and contemporary faith leaders. In doing so, it compares the teachings of old with contemporary practices and showcases the impact of the major religions on both the protection and exploitation of animals, from running animal sanctuaries, to participating in or condoning cruel sports and factory farming. Importantly, the book also includes a chapter looking beyond the major world religions, where it examines a wider range of beliefs and practices, including Indigenous peoples from the USA and Australia, Jainism, Sikhism and Rastafarianism, to provide fascinating insights into another range of beliefs and views on the human-animal relationship. Overall, this book challenges and encourages religious leaders and followers to re-examine their teachings and to prioritise the well-being of animals.

This book is essential reading for those interested in the role of religion in animal welfare, human-animal studies, and animal welfare and ethics more broadly.

Animal Law
1. Judaism: Teaching and Practice regarding Humanity’s Relationship with Animals
2. Christianity: Teaching and Practice regarding Humanity’s Relationship with Animals
3. Islam: Teaching and Practice regarding Humanity’s Relationship with Animals
4. Hinduism: Teaching and Practice regarding Humanity’s Relationship with Animals
5. Buddhism: Teaching and Practice regarding Humanity’s Relationship with Animals
6. Beyond the Major World Religions: Teaching and Practice regarding Humanity’s Relationship with Animals