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Mental Health Law 6th ed (Book & eBook Pack)

ISBN13: 9780414082311
Published: March 2017
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Book & eBook Pack (ProView)
Price: £137.00
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Mental Health Law not only gives a plain but critical account of all the law for health and social care professionals working or training to work in the field, as well as for legal practitioners and students, but also enlivens it with discussion of the principles and policies involved, and with commentary to stimulate debate.

This book covers all issues, from the informal and compulsory care and treatment of people with mental disorders, decision-making on behalf of people who lack the capacity to make decisions for themselves, the safeguards against unjustified deprivation of liberty, the role of mental health professionals, doctors and families in making these decisions, and the powers of tribunals and the courts.

The relevance of mental disorder in the criminal justice system and its effect upon other legal rights such as voting, marrying and making wills are also covered.

This new edition is now completely revised and updated to take in the latest legal developments. Key updates to the latest version include:-

  • Coverage of the new Mental Health Act Code of Practice, 2015
  • Discussion of the meaning of deprivation of liberty after Supreme Court decision in Cheshire West
  • An account of the Care Act 2014
  • Analysis of important new cases including Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board and Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v James
  • Examination of the changes introduced for the protection against abuse and exploitation of the incapacitated or vulnerable against a background of scandals such as Winterbourne View and Jimmy Savi le
  • Scrutiny of the overhaul of provision for special educational needs in the Children and Families Act 2014
  • Discussion of whether UK law complies with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Mental Health Law, eBooks
Informality and intervention: the
Mental disorder, mental capacity and
the grounds for intervention
Professionals and
The machinery for detaining people
Mentally disordered offenders
Treatment and
Moving out and moving on
Tribunals and
Community care
Legal capacity and legal