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Public Law 5th ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780414089839
Published: November 2022
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: £36.95
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Public Law presents an accessible and current picture of Constitutional and Administrative law and is ideal for those approaching the subject for the first time. The text succinctly covers all the major fundamental constitutional reforms while also outlining the historical context of the subject, allowing you to see the inner workings of Public Law.

Public Law is an essential textbook for those studying law at degree or graduate diploma level. Its clarity and comprehensive coverage also make it an indispensable resource for those on modular or PGDL courses.

Constitutional and Administrative Law, eBooks
Part 1: General Introduction
The Public Law of the UK: definition and scope
The asymmetrical Constitution: the structure of the UK
The rule of law and Constitutional conventions
an introduction to administrative law
Part 2: Public Law, Politics, Ideas and Influences
the electorate, politics and the Constitution
Public Law and legal thought
the European Union
Part 3: Government, Regulation and Accountability
Government and accountability
the New Public Management
Public Finance
Local Government
Privatisation and Regulation
Part 4: Citizens’ grievances, Human Rights and Civil Liberties
Citizens’ Grievances
Human Rights and Civil Liberties
Judicial Review
Part 5: Public Law and Conflict
Public Order and the Freedom of Assembly
Secrecy, Freedom and Expression and the State
Northern Ireland
Public Law and Modernisation