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A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business Volume 43 isbn 9789403531700

Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business Volume 42A

Edited by: Christian Campbell

ISBN13: 9789403531632
New Edition ISBN: 9789403531700
Published: May 2021
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £115.00

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Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business, published under the auspices of the Center for International Legal Studies, in this volume, focuses on how vulnerable our “normal” lives are because of the climate change and COVID-19 pandemic. As the climate and coronavirus crises demonstrate, environmental and health risks can also trigger significant social, economic, and political risks. And there is a need to regulate the competition for and exploitation of increasingly scarce natural resources. From this perspective, the management of such crises requires adopting a holistic and interdisciplinary approach that enables EU decision-makers to tackle both environmental and health dimensions of such risks and their consequences transversally. The challenge for the EU is to find an adequate policy mix that safeguards individual rights and liberties, protects the economy, and, at the same time, strengthens the EU’s preparedness for cases of climate change and pandemics.

What’s in this book:

The spreading of COVID-19 seems to have taken EU decision-makers away from pursuing the roadmap aimed at tackling the climate emergency. The present volume provides issues and topics such as the following:

  • criteria in interpreting and understanding the requirements of the Habitats Directive
  • EU perspectives on habitat protection and risk management in times of climate change and health crises
  • WTO perspectives on the renewable energy sector and the protection of marine habitats
  • discourse on how international law imposes environmental responsibilities with regard to disputed maritime areas
  • comparison of national regulations against each other and the international framework for dealing with plastic waste
  • Kuwait’s evolving approach to waste disposal and management
  • examination of Brazil’s legal framework for dam safety in the wake of recent catastrophic events, and
  • pioneering Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) with the destruction of the Amazon

How this will help you:

One of its kind, the study has articulated how various models can help resolve environmental problems and how health and hygiene regimes are of global importance. The presentation of the chapters offers broad propositions, thereby increasing the practical value of the book, and it will serve to be a comprehensive source of knowledge.

Editor’s Note
Interpretation of Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive in the Light of Recent ECJ Case Law
Kim Trenskow, Mads U. Østergaard & Mikkel Vindfeldt
Climate Change and Pandemics: The Need for a Renewed EU Risk-Management Strategy
Alessandra Donati
What Policy Space Exists under WTO Rules?
Nathan Jin Bao
WTO Panel and Appellate Body Jurisprudence on Environmental Protection of Marine Living Resources: Considerations for the Maritime Silk Road Shipping Policies
Henrik Andersen
States’ Environmental Obligations in Disputed Maritime Areas and the Limits of International Law
Constantinos Yiallourides, Natalia Ermolina
Grappling with Plastic: An Increasingly Inflexible Legal Issue
Adam R. Fox, Chassica Soo & Jonathan S. King
Environmental Degradation: Waste Disposal and Management in Kuwait
Ralph Palliam & Sara Al-Othman
Brazil’s Comprehensive Regulations on Large Dams Safety
Leonardo Lamego
The Collapsing of the Earth’s Lungs: Could “Third World Approaches to International Law” Breathe Air into the Amazonian Crisis?
Warona Jolomba