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Electronic Communications, Audiovisual Services and the Internet: EU Competition Law and Regulation 4th ed (eBook)

Edited by: Laurent Garzaniti

ISBN13: 9780414072978
Published: December 2019
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: £321.00
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The fourth edition of Garzaniti et al, Electronic Communications, Audiovisual Services and the Internet – EU Competition Law & Regulation (formerly known as Telecommunications, Broadcasting and the Internet) provides you with a clear and comprehensive analysis of the relevant EU laws and regulations, as well as the application of EU competition law within these sectors. It also takes account of recent legal and regulatory developments in these dynamic, fast moving and increasingly converging sectors.

  • Provides a comprehensive guide to EU regulation and the application of competition law in the electronic communications, broadcasting and internet sectors
  • Incorporates the most recent legislative reforms to the Electronic Communications Regulatory Framework, the Audio Visual Media Services Directive and data protection and privacy legislation
  • Offers a discussion of all new EU statutes, European Commission decisions and European Courts’ case law that are relevant to these sectors
  • Offers practical insight that can be applied to strategic business decisions, transactions and investigations, disputes and regulatory matters
  • Deals with competition law issues (including anti-competitive agreements, abuse of a dominant position), State aid and merger controls, as they affect the three sectors
  • Discusses topical issues such as privacy and data protection, as affected by the General Data Protection Regulation, and security
  • Explores EU legislation applicable to the digital market, including internet governance, consumer rights and protection, intellectual property and electronic payments
  • Has established a formidable reputation and is often cited in court
  • Is written by an expert team of practitioners and academics, led by the team of General Editors: Laurent Garzaniti (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP), Matthew O’Regan (St John’s Chambers), Professor Peggy Valcke (KU Leuven) and Professor Alexandre de Streel (Université de Namur)

Competition Law, eBooks, IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
1. Overview of the EU Regulatory Frameworks
2. Electronic Communications Networks and Services
3. Internet Platforms and Services and Sharing Economy
4. Audio-visual Media Services
5. Privacy and Data Protection
6. Security
7. Digital Market and Consumer Rights
8. Intellectual Property Rights

9. Anti-competitive Agreemetns and Practices
10. Abuse of a Dominant Position
11. Merger Control
12. State Aid