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Asian Capitalism and the Regulation of Competition: Towards a Regulatory Geography of Global Competition Law

Edited by: Michael W. Dowdle, John Gillespi, Imelda Maher

ISBN13: 9781108738224
Published: August 2019
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2013)
Price: £36.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781107027428

Despatched in 6 to 8 days.

Asian Capitalism and the Regulation of Competition explores the implications of Asian forms of capitalism and their regulation of competition for the emerging global competition law regime. Expert contributors from a variety of backgrounds explore the topic through the lenses of formal law, soft law and transnational regulation, and make extensive comparisons with Euro-American and global models. Case studies include Japan, China and Vietnam, and thematic studies include examinations of competition law's relationship with other regulatory terrains such as public law, market culture, regulatory geography and transnational production networks.

Competition Law, Other Jurisdictions , Asia
Introduction and overview Michael W. Dowdle, John Gillespie and Imelda Maher

Part I. Asia, Asian Capitalism, and Global Competition Law: Conceptual Mappings:
1. The regulatory geography of market competition in Asia (and beyond): a preliminary mapping Michael W. Dowdle
2. Asia and global law convergence David J. Gerber

Part II. The Political Economy of Global Competition Law:
3. The institutional structure of competition law Imelda Maher
4. Cultural political economy of competitiveness, competition law, and competition policy in Asia Ngai-Ling Sum
5. The complexities of competition and competitiveness: challenges for competition law and economic governance in variegated capitalism Bob Jessop

Part III. Competition Regulation in Representative Asian Countries:
6. Competition and competition law in Japan: between skepticism and embrace Simon Vande Walle
7. State capitalism and the regulation of competition in China Wentong Zheng
8. Managing competition in Socialist-transforming Asia: the case of Vietnam John Gillespie

Part IV. Asian Capitalism and Competition Regulation in Operation: Selected Issues:
9. Competition in the periphery: melamine milk adulteration as peripheral 'innovation' Michael W. Dowdle
10. Competition law and the role of the state in East Asia Tony Prosser

Part V. Into the Future: Asian Capitalism and Competition Regulation as Dynamic Systems:
11. Globalizing competition in Asia: an evolutionary perspective Henry Wai-Chung Yeung
12. Addressing the development deficit of competition policy: the role of economic networks Frederic C. Deyo
13. Whither Asia? Whither capitalism? Whither global competition law? Michael W. Dowdle.