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The International Criminal Court in Turbulent Times

Edited by: Gerhard Werle, Andreas Zimmermann

ISBN13: 9789462653023
Published: July 2019
Publisher: T.M.C. Asser Press
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £129.99

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The chapters in this book are reworkings of presentations given during a conference held in 2018 at the German Embassy to the Netherlands in The Hague on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute. They provide an in-depth analysis of major points of contention the International Criminal Court (ICC) is currently facing , such as, inter alia, head of state immunities, withdrawal from the Rome Statute, the exercise of jurisdiction vis-à-vis third-party nationals, the activation of the Court's jurisdiction regarding the crime of aggression, as well as the relationship of the Court with both the Security Council and the African Union, all of which are issues that have a continued relevance and carry a particular controversy.

The collection provides insights from both practitioners, including judges of the ICC, and diplomats who participated in the negotiations leading to the adoption of the Rome Statute, as well as well-known academics from various parts of the world working in the field of international criminal law.

The aim of the book is not only to inform and stimulate academic debate on the topic, but also to serve as an instrument for lawyers involved in the practice of international criminal law.

International Criminal Law
The International Criminal Court After 20 Years: The Possible Way Ahead
The International Criminal Court 20 Years After Rome - Achievements and Deficits
Withdrawal from the International Criminal Court: International and Domestic Implications
African Regional Developments - Challenge or Chance for the International Criminal Court? Three Courts in One: The African Criminal Court
Immunity of High-Ranking Officials Before the International Criminal Court - Between International Law and Political Reality
The International Criminal Court and Nationals of Non-Party States
The International Criminal Court and the Security Council - The International Criminal Court as a Political Tool?
The International Criminal Court Reparations Scheme - A Yardstick for Hybrid Tribunals?
Activating the Crime of Aggression Amendments: A Look Ahead