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Torture and Human Rights in Northern Ireland: Interrogation in Depth

ISBN13: 9780367030452
Published: April 2019
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £49.99

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This book presents a compelling and highly sophisticated politico-legal history of a particular security operation that resulted in one of the most high profile torture cases in the world. It reveals the extent to which the Ireland v. United judgment misrepresents the interrogation system that was developed and utilised in Northern Ireland. Finally the truth about the operation is presented in a comprehensive narrative; sometimes corroborating secondary literature already in the public domain, but at other times significantly debunking aphorisms, or, indeed, lies that circulated about interrogation in depth. The book sets out the theoretical reference paradigm with respect to the culture and practice of state denial often associated with torture, and uses this model to excavate the buried aspects of this most famous of torture cases. Through the lens of a single operation, conducted twice, it presents a fascinating exposé of the complicated structures of state-sponsored denial designed to hide the truth about the long-term effects of these techniques and the way in which they were authorised.

Northern Ireland Law
1. Introduction
2. Emergency Regulations
3. Internment 1971
4. Interrogation in Depth
5. Denial & Concealment
6. Conclusion