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Women Leading Justice: Experiences and Insights

ISBN13: 9781138222649
Published: November 2018
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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The women’s movement and increasing social consciousness regarding gender disparity and discrimination has helped to make gains over the past several decades to reduce gender disparity for women in the workplace. However, gender discrimination and disparity continue to exist. Women continue to receive lower wages, and fewer opportunities for promotion and professional advancement – and this is particularly true in male dominated professions such as criminal justice.

Building on original qualitative data, this book explores the experiences of female criminal justice professionals who have risen to the top of their professional ladders. The book includes first-hand narrative accounts of high ranking successful professional women working across a range of fields such as policing, courts, corrections, victim and restorative justice services and criminal justice research agencies in the United States and Canada. This book highlights the barriers that successful female criminal justice professionals have to overcome to obtain their positions, and identifies key themes that these women see as having allowed them to break through those barriers and to navigate their professional environments.

This book provides students interested in entering the criminal justice field – and working professionals already in the field – with knowledge about women who have risen through the ranks and up the professional ladder to break through the glass and the brass ceilings of their profession.

1. Introduction: Gender and Employment
2. Gathering Perspectives of Professionals: Methodology
3. Female Leaders in Policing
4. Female Leaders in Courts
5. Female Leaders in Corrections
6. Female Leaders in Victim and Restorative Justice Services
7. Female Leaders in Criminal Justice in Academia and Research
8. Conclusion: Directions for Future Female Criminal Justice Leaders