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The ICSA Charity Handbook 4th ed

Edited by: Kirsty Semple

ISBN13: 9781860727696
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781860726057
Published: June 2019
Publisher: ICSA Publishing Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £69.95

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The revised edition of The Charity Handbook includes a wide range of relevant updates and draws on the broad expertise of a leading team of charity specialists. It covers material on the key areas of charity law, governance and compliance:-

  • Trustees’ duties and role
  • Charity Commission requirements, employment and volunteers and fundraising
  • Setting up and working with the various legal entities and structures, such as CICs, CIOs, registered societies, and trusts
  • Requirements of the Charities Act 2006, the Companies Act 2006, and the Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016
  • Data Protection and GDPR
Key features include a detailed review of the legal and regulatory requirements, best practice guidance, timetables, and sample documents. It is an indispensable guide for charity secretaries and anyone involved with running a charity.

Section A: The charity's structure and legal framework
1. What is a charity?
2. Legal forms and structures
3. Setting up a charity
4. Trustees, officers and members
Section B: Ongoing requirements
1. Regulation
2. Records and filing requirements
Section C: The charity's governance
1. Charity governance
2. Effective decision making
3. Risk management and internal controls
Section D: The charity's business
1. Employment and volunteers
2. Fundraising and trading
3. Data protection and electronic marketing
4. Contracts and delivery of public services
5. Serious incidents - management and reporting
Section E: The charity's assets
1. Use of charitable assets
2. Accounting and audit
Section F: Charity mergers and winding up
1. Mergers and restructuring
2. Winding up