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European Private International Law at 50: Celebrating and Contemplating the 1968 Brussels Convention and Its Successors

Edited by: Geert Van Calster, Jura Falconis

ISBN13: 9781780687759
Published: November 2018
Publisher: Intersentia Publishers
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £48.00

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In fifty years, European private international law has undergone significant changes. Increased globalization and the emergence of e-commerce has led to a greater need for and more widespread reliance on private international law. As a result, most legal practitioners can no longer avoid it in their day-to-day practices.

Each year, the Jura Falconis conference is held to discuss prior developments, draw lessons from the past and offer perspectives for the future of European private international law. The 50th anniversary of the Brussels Convention (1968) presented itself as the perfect discussion point for the 2018 conference.

European Private International Law at 50 is the written result of the 2018 conference. It brings together legal experts and provides the reader with a thorough examination of the most important aspects of the field, considering possible future developments and the impact of Brexit.

Conflict of Laws
Les Grands Courants of 50 Years of European Private International Law
Regulatory Competition in Civil Procedure Between EU Member States
The Application of the Brussels Ibis Regulation in the EU Member States
Brussels Calling. The Extra-EU Effect of European Private International Law
The (Not So Symbiotic?) Relation Between the Insolvency and the Brussels I Regimes
Brussels I Recast and the Hague Judgments Project
Cross-Border Provisional Measures: Stepping Backwards in the Brussels I Recast
Brussels Falling: The Relationship Between the UK and EU Post Brexit
European Private International Law and the National Judge. Some General Reflections by a Belgian Judge