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Global Governance

Edited by: Axel Marx, Jan Wouters

ISBN13: 9781786433756
Published: August 2018
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback, 2 Volumes
Price: £614.00

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Global governance emerged as a concept more than two decades ago. Despite its relevance to key processes underlying the major public policy questions of our age, the contours of 'global governance' remain contested and elusive. This Research Collection seeks to clarify key trends and challenges in global governance by bringing together the leading scholarship on its different forms. Alongside an original introduction by the editors, the carefully selected contributions discuss key issues in relation to global governance institutions: democracy, legitimacy, accountability, fragmentation, effectiveness and dispute settlement.

Public International Law
Introduction Axel Marx and Jan Wouters
PART I what is Global Governance?
1. James N. Rosenau (1995), ‘Governance in the Twenty-first Century’, Global Governance, 1 (1), Winter, 13–43
2. Klaus Dingwerth and Phillip Pattberg (2006), ‘Global Governance as a Perspective on World Politics’, Global Governance, 12 (2), April–June, 185–203
3. Thomas G. Weiss (2000), ‘Governance, Good Governance and Global Governance: Conceptual and Actual Challenges’, Third World Quarterly, 21 (5), 795–814
4. Kenneth Abbott and Duncan Snidal (2000), ‘Hard and Soft Law in International Governance’, International Organization, 54 (3), Summer, 421–56
5. Kenneth Abbott, Robert O. Keohane, Andrew Moravcsik, Anne-Marie Slaughter and Duncan Snidal (2000), ‘The Concept of Legalization’, International Organization, 54 (3), Summer, 401–19
6. Jan Klabbers (2015), ‘The EJIL Foreword: The Transformation of International Organizations Law’, European Journal of International Law, 26 (1), 9–82
7. Benedict Kingsbury, Nico Krisch and Richard B. Stewart (2005), ‘The Emergence of Global Administrative Law’, Law and Contemporary Problems, 68 (3/4), Summer–Autumn, 15–61
8. Anne Peters (2005), ‘Global Constitutionalism Revisited’, International Legal Theory, 11, Fall, 39–67
9. Joost Pauwelyn, Ramses A. Wessel and Jan Wouters (2014), ‘When Structures Become Shackles: Stagnation and Dynamics in International Lawmaking’, European Journal of International Law, 25 (3), 733–63
PART II hierarchy – International Organizations
10. Kenneth W. Abbott and Duncan Snidal (1998), ‘Why States Act Through Formal International Organizations’, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 42 (1), February, 3–32
11. Harold Hongju Koh (1997), ‘Why Do Nations Obey International Law?’, Yale Law Journal, 106 (8), 2599–659
12. Jan Wouters and Phillip De Man (2011), ‘International Organizations as Law–Makers’, in Jan Klabbers and Åsa Wallendahl (eds), Research Handbook on the Law of International Organizations, Chapter 8, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 190–224
13. Kevin B. Davis, Benedict Kingsbury and Sally Engle Merry (2012), ‘Introduction: Global Governance by Indicators’, in K. Davis, A. Fisher, B. Kingsbury and S.E. Merry (eds), Governance by Indicators, Global Power through Quantification and Rankings, Chapter 1, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 3–28
14. Kenneth W. Abbott, Phillip Genschel, Duncan Snidal and Bernard Zangl (2015), ‘Orchestrating Global Governance: From Empirical Findings to Theoretical Implications’, in International Organizations as Orchestrators, Chapter 14, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 349–79, references
15. Griánne De Búrca, Robert O. Keohane and Charles Sabel (2014), ‘Global Experimentalist Governance’, British Journal of Political Science, 44 (3), 477–86
16. Felicity Vabulas and Duncan Snidal (2013), ‘Organization without Delegation: Informal Intergovernmental Organizations (IIGOs) and the Spectrum of Intergovernmental Arrangements’, Review of International Organizations, 8 (2), 193–220
17. Anne-Marie Slaughter and David Zaring (2006), ‘Networking Goes International: An Update’, Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 2, 211–29
18. Leonardo Martinez-Diaz and Ngaire Woods (2009), ‘Introduction: Developing Countries in a Networked Global Order’, in Networks of Influence? Developing Countries in a Networked Global Order, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1–18
19. Reeve T. Bull, Neysun A. Mahboubi, Richard B. Stewart and Jonathan B. Wiener (2015), ‘New Approaches to International Regulatory Cooperation: The Challenge of TTIP, TPP and Mega-Regional Trade Agreements’, Law and Contemporary Problems, 78 (4), 1–29
20. Kenneth W. Abbott and Duncan Snidal (2009), ‘Strengthening International Regulation Through Transnational New Governance: Overcoming the Orchestration Deficit’, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 42 (2), 501–78
21. David Vogel (2008), ‘Private Global Business Regulation’, Annual Review of Political Science, 11, 261–82
22. Fabrizio Cafaggi (2013), ‘The Regulatory Functions of Transnational Commercial Contracts: New Architectures’, Fordham International Law Journal, 36 (6), 1557–1618
23. Walter Mattli and Tim Büthe (2003), ‘Setting International Standards: Technological Rationality or Primacy of Power?’, World Politics, 56 (1), October, 1–42
24. Margaret M. Blair, Cynthia A. Williams and Li–Wen Lin (2008), ‘The New Role for Assurance Services in Global Commerce’, Journal of Corporation Law, 33 (2), 325–60
25. Michael P. Vandenbergh (2007), ‘The New Wal–Mart Effect: The Role of Private Contracting in Global Governance’, UCLA Law Review, 54 (4), April, 913–70

Volume II
Introduction An introduction to both volumes by the editors appears in volume 1
PART I Democracy
1. Andrew Moravcsik (2004), ‘Is There a ‘Democratic Deficit’ in World Politics? A Framework for Analysis’, Government and Opposition, 39 (2), 336–63
2. B. S. Chimni (2004), ‘International Institutions Today: An Imperial Global State in the Making’, European Journal of International Law, 15 (1), 1–37
3. Klaus Dingwerth (2014), ‘Global Democracy and the Democratic Minimum: Why a Procedural Account Alone is Insufficient’, European Journal of International Relations, 20 (4), 1124–47
4. Andreas Føllesdahl (2009), ‘When Common Interests are not Common: Why the Global Basic Structure Should be Democratic’, Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 16 (2), Summer, 585–604
5. Steven Wheatley (2011), ‘A Democratic Rule of International Law’, European Journal of International Law, 22 (2), 525–48
PART II Legitimacy
6. Michael Zürn (2004), ‘Global Governance and Legitimacy Problems’, Government and Opposition, 39 (2), 260–87
7. Allen Buchanan and Robert O. Keohane (2006), ‘The Legitimacy of Global Governance Institutions’, Ethics and International Affairs, 20 (4), Winter, 405–37
8. Jonathan G. S. Koppell (2008), ‘Global Governance Organizations: Legitimacy and Authority in Conflict’, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 18 (2), April, 177–203
9. Mattias Kumm (2004), ‘The Legitimacy of International Law: A Constitutionalist Framework or Analysis’, European Journal of International Law, 15 (5), 907–31
10. Steven Bernstein (2011), ‘Legitimacy in Intergovernmental and Non-state Global Governance’, Review of International Political Economy, 18 (1), 17–51
PART III Accountability
11. Mark Bovens (2007), ‘Analysing and Assessing Accountability: A Conceptual Framework’, European Law Journal, 13 (4), July, 447–68
12. Richard B. Stewart (2014), ‘Remedying Disregard in Global Regulatory Governance: Accountability Participation, and Responsiveness ’, American Journal of International Law, 108 (2), April, 211–70
13. Ruth W. Grant and Robert O. Keohane (2005), ‘Accountability and Abuses of Power in World Politics’, American Political Science Review, 99 (1), February, 29–43
14. Graeme Auld and Lars H. Gulbrandsen (2010), ‘Transparency in Nonstate Certification: Consequences for Accountability and Legitimacy’, Global Environmental Politics, 10 (3), August, 97–119
15. Alex Stone Sweet and Florian Grisel (2014), ‘The Evolution of International Arbitration: Delegation, Judicialization, Governance’, in Walter Matti and Thomas Dietz (eds), International Arbitration and Global Governance: Contending Theories and Evidence, Chapter 2, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 22–46
16. Laurence R. Helfer and Anne–Marie Slaughter (1997), ‘Toward a Theory of Effective Supranational Adjudication’, Yale Law Journal, 107 (2), November, 273–391
17. Karen J. Alter (2012), ‘The Global Spread of European Style International Courts’, West European Politics, 35 (1), January, 135–54
18. Barbara Koremenos (2007), ‘If Only Half of International Agreements have Dispute Resolution Provisions, Which Half Needs Explaining?’, Journal of Legal Studies, 36 (1), January, 189–212
19. Geir Ulfstein (2014), ‘International Courts and Judges: Independence, Interaction, and Legitimacy’, New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, 46 (3), 849–66
20. Martti Koskenniemi (2006), ‘Fragmentation of International Law: Difficulties Arising From the Diversification and Expansion of International Law’, International Law Commission, 58th Session, 1, 8–34
21. Andreas Fischer–Lescano and Gunther Teubner (2004), ‘Regime-Collisions: The Vain Search for Legal Unity in the Fragmentation of Global Law’, Michigan Journal of International Law, 25 (4), Summer, 999–1046
22. Frank Biermann, Phillip Pattberg, Harro van Asselt and Fariborz Zelli (2009), ‘The Fragmentation of Global Governance Architectures: A Framework for Analysis’, Global Environmental Politics, 9 (4), November, 14–40
23. Thomas Hale and David Held (2012), ‘Gridlock and Innovation in Global Governance: The Partial Transnational Solution’, Global Policy, 3 (2), May, 169–81
24. Jon Birger Sjaerseth, Olav Schram Stokke and Jorgen Wettestad (2006), ‘Soft Law, Hard Law, and Effective Implementation of International Environmental Norms’, Global Environmental Politics, 6 (3), August, 104–20
25. Steven Bernstein and Benjamin Cashore (2012), ‘Complex Global Governance and Domestic Policies: Four Pathways of Influence’, International Affairs, 88 (3), 585–604
26. Helmut Breitmeier. Arild Underdal and Oran R. Young (2011), ‘The Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes: Comparing and Contrasting Findings from Quantitative Research’, International Studies Review, 13 (4), December, 579–605
27. Daniel W. Drezner (2014), ‘ Yes, the System Worked’ in The System Worked: How the World Stopped Another Great Depression, Chapter 2, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 24–56, notes, references