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Law and Economics of Public Procurement Reforms

Edited by: Gustavo Piga, Tunde Tatrai

ISBN13: 9781138296480
Published: October 2017
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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Appropriate laws and regulations are essential tools to direct the action of procurers toward the public good and avoid corruption and misallocation of resources. Common laws and regulations across regions, nations and continents potentially allow for the further opening of markets and ventures to newcomers and new ideas to satisfy public demand.

Law and Economics of Public Procurement Reforms collects the original contributions related to the new European Union Directives approved in 2014 by the EU Parliament. They are of both economists and lawyers, and have been presented in a manner that allows for exchanges of views and "real time" interaction. This book features, for each section, an introductory exchange between two experts of different disciplines, made up of a series of sequential interactions between an economist and a lawyer, which enriches the liveliness of the debate and improve the mutual understanding between the two professions. Four sections characterize this book: Supporting social considerations via public procurement; Green public procurement; Innovation through innovative partnerships; and Lots - The Economic and Legal Challenges of Centralized Procurement. These themes have current relevance of the new European Public Procurement Directives.

Written by an impressive array of experts in their respected fields, this volume is of great importance to practitioners who work in the field of EU public procurement in the Member States of the EU, as well as academics and students who study public finance, public policy and regulation.

Public Procurement, Law and Economics
Introduction - Vendor rating, performance and entry in public procurement
Chapter 1 Local preferences in public procurement
1. Colloquium
Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova
Pedro Telles
2. Sharlene Jo-Ann Shillingford McKlmon and Shirley Gayle Sinclair
CARICOM: Small Market - Big Money. Amalgamating the Procurement Market to Transform Small Size into an Economic Advantage
3. Petra Ferk and Boštjan Ferk
Local Preferences as Non-Discriminatory Instrument in Public Procurement of Fresh Foods

Chapter 2 Joint public procurement
1. Colloquium
Nicola Dimitri
Tünde Tátrai
2. Antoinette Calleja
"Addressing in part market imbalances in the pharmaceutical sector through voluntary joint public procurement"
3. Francesco Saverio Mennini, Nicola Dimitri, Lara Gitto, Francois Lichere, Gustavo Piga
Joint procurement and the EU perspective

Chapter 3 Big data in public procurement
1. Colloquium
Mihaly Fazekas
Stéphane Saussier
2. Bernardo Nicoletti
"Open Data and Procurement"
3. Nikola Komšić
"Big Data for Procurement – The importance of correctly acquiring and using information in public procurement"

Chapter 4 Renegotiation in public procurement
1. Colloquium
Francesco Decarolis
Martin Trybus
2. Josè Luis Guasch
Procurement and Renegotiation of Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure: Evidence, Typology and Tendencies
3. Biancamaria Raganelli and Ilenia Mauro
"Renegotiation and Anti-corruption Measures in Public Procurement"