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The Unsteady State: General Jurisprudence for Dynamic Social Phenomena (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781108145794
Published: March 2017
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £30.99
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Analytical jurisprudence often proceeds with two key assumptions: that all law is either contained in or traceable back to an authorizing law-state, and that states are stable and in full control of the borders of their legal systems. What would a general theory of law be like and do if these long-standing presumptions were loosened?

The Unsteady State aims to assess the possibilities by enacting a relational approach to explanation of law, exploring law's relations to environment, security, and technology. The account provided here offers a rich and renewed perspective on the preconditions and continuity of legal order in systemic and non-systemic forms, and further supports the view that the state remains prominent yet is now less dominant in the normative lives of norm-subjects and as an object of legal theory.

Jurisprudence, eBooks

Part I. Preparing Analytical Theory for New Challenges:
1. Pulling off the mask of law: a renewed research agenda for analytical legal theory
2. Making old questions new: legality, legal system, and state
3. Legal systems and presumptions of unity and validity
4. The elements of legal order

Part II. Law, Environment, Security, and Technology:
5. Globalization, the predictions of legality, and law's relation to environment
6. Legality, security, and Leviathan's ghost
7. Information communication technologies and legal theory
8. Beyond the unsteady state.