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The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture: 150 Books That Made the Law in the Age of Printing

Edited by: Serg Dauchy, Georges Martyn, Anthony Musson, Heikki Pihlajamaki, Alain Wijffels

ISBN13: 9783319455648
Published: December 2016
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £179.99

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This volume surveys 150 law books of fundamental importance in the history of Western legal literature and culture. The entries are organized in three sections: the first dealing with the transitional period of fifteenth-century editions of medieval authorities, the second spanning the early modern period from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, and the third focusing on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The contributors are scholars from all over the world.

Each 'old book' is analyzed by a recognized specialist in the specific field of interest. Individual entries give a short biography of the author and discuss the significance of the works in the time and setting of their publication, and in their broader influence on the development of law worldwide. Introductory essays explore the development of Western legal traditions, especially the influence of the English common law, and of Roman and canon law on legal writers and, the borrowings and interaction between them. The book goes beyond the study of institutions and traditions of individual countries to chart a broader perspective on the transmission of legal concepts across legal, political and geographical boundaries. Examining the branches of this genealogical tree of books makes clear their pervasive influence on modern legal systems, including attempts at rationalizing custom or creating new hybrid systems by transplanting Western legal concepts into other jurisdictions.

Legal History
List of Contributors
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: General Introduction
Chapter 2: Law Books during the Transition from Late-Medieval to Early-Modern Legal Scholarship
1. GRATIAN, Decretum
Antonia Fiori
2. AZO, Summa Aurea
Emanuele Conte
3. ACCURSIUS, Standard Gloss
Alain Wijffels
4. VON REPGOW, Saxon Mirror
Dirk Heirbaut
5. BRACTON, Of the Laws and Customs of England
Nigel Ramsay
6. HOSTIENSIS, Summa Aurea
Laurent Waelkens
7. DURANTIS, Speculum iudiciale
Beatrice Pasciuta
8. BARTOLUS, Commentaries
Ferdinando Treggiari
9. BALDUS, Commentary on the Code
Mario Conetto
10. BOUTILLIER, Rural summary
Georges Martyn
11. PANORMITANUS, Commentaries on the Decretals
Ora-zio Condorelli
12. TARTAGNI, Consilia
Andrea Padovani
13. LITTLETON, On tenures
Neil Jones
Chapter 3: Legal Books in the Early Modern Western World
14. EVERARDUS, A Book on Topics
Alain Wijffels
15. ZASIUS, Individual and New Analyses of Several Pas-sages of Civil Law
Steven Rowan
16. ST GERMAN, Doctor and Student
Neil Jones
17. OLDENDORP, On Law and Equity
Mathias Schmoeck-el
18. ALCIATO, Four Books on the Significance of Words
Susanne Lepsius
19. FITZHERBERT, The New Natura Brevium
David J. Seipp
20. DUMOULIN, Commentaries on the Custom of Paris
Marie Seong-Hak Kim
21. MARANTA, Speculum aureum
Marco Nicola Miletti
22. COVARRUBIAS Y LEYVA, Various Solutions
Adolfo Giuliani
23. GOMEZ, Comments on the Laws of Toro
Maria Paz Alonso Romero
24. SOTO, On Justice and Right
Wim Decock
25. STRACCA, Treatise on Commerce
Stefania Gialdroni
26. DAMHOUDER, Practical Handbook on Criminal Matters
Harald Maihold
27. VITORIA, On the Law of War of the Spanish against the Barbarians
Mathias Schmoeckel
28. LOPEZ, The Siete Partidas
Aniceto Masferrer
29. CUJAS, Observations and Emendations
Xavier Pre-vost
30. PAPON, Collection of Important Cases
Geraldine Ca-zals
31. PECK, On Maritime Affairs
Dave De ruysscher
32. VAZQUEZ DE MENCHACA, Controversies
Gustaaf van Nifterik
33. MATIENZO, Government of Peru
Victor Tau Anzoategui
34. BROOKE, La Graunde Abridgement
Margaret McGlynn
35. BODIN, The Six Books of Commonwealth
Diego Qua-glioni
36. GAIL, Observations
Peter Oestmann
37. MENOCHIO, Commentary on Presumptions, Conjec-tures, Signs and Indications
Adolfo Giuliani
38. DONEAU, Commentaries on Civil Law
Niels de Bruijn
39. DECIANI, Criminal Treatise
Loredana Garlati
40. MOLINA, On Justice and Right
Wim Decock
41. CASTILLO DE BOBADILLA, Politics for Corregidores
Otto Danwerth
42. GENTILI, On the Law of War
Giovanni Minnucci
43. DELRIO, Six Books of Investigation into Magic
Peter Oestmann
44. HEVIA BOLANOS, Philippic Court
Agustin Casa-grande
45. FAVRE, Codex Fabrianus
Patrick Arabeyre
46. LOISEL, Customary Institutes
Xavier Prevost
47. FONTANELLA, Treatise on Nuptial Pacts
Josep Capdeferro
48. SUAREZ, On Laws and God the Legislator
Norbert Brieskorn
49. BACON, Example of a Treatise touching Universal Jus-tice
W. Hamilton Bryson
50. GROTIUS, On the Law of War and Peace
Alain Wijffels
51. CHRISTINAEUS, Decisions
Alain Wijffels
52. COKE, Institutes of the Laws of England
Anthony Musson
53. SOLORZANO PEREIRA, On the Laws of the Indies
Ditlev Tamm
54. PEREZ, Imperial Institutions
Antonio Perez Martin
55. CARPZOV, New Imperial Saxon Practice of Criminal Law
Heikki Pihlajamaki
56. SELDEN, The Closure of the Sea
Randall Lesaffer
57. MEVIUS, Commentary on the Law of Lubeck
Nils Wurch
58. VINNIUS, Commentary on the Institutes
Laura Beck Varela
59. CONRING, Commentary on the Origin of German Law
Michael Stolleis
60. BARBOSA, Various Legal Dissertations
Antonio Ma-nuel Hespanha
61. MATTHAEUS, On Crimes
Georges Martyn
62. GROENEWEGEN, A Treatise on the Laws abrogated and no longer in Use in Holland and Neighbouring Regions
Paul J. du Plessis
63. VAN LEEUWEN, Abstract of the Roman-Dutch Law
Remco van Rhee
64. LUCA, The Theatre of Truth and Justice
Aldo Maz-zacane
65. HUBER, On Constitutional Law
Margaret Hewett
66. PUFENDORF, On the Law of Nature and of Nations
Kjell Ake Modeer
67. MATHEU Y SANZ, Treatise on Criminal Matters
Juan Obarrio
68. DALRYMPLE, Institutions of the Law of Scotland
John D. Ford
69. DOMAT, The Civil Laws in their Natural Order
Italo Birocchi
70. BAS Y GALCERAN, Theatre of Valencian Case Law
Juan Alfredo Obarrio Moreno
71. STRYK, Specimen of the Modern Application of the Pandects
Jan Schroder
72. VOET, Commentary on the Pandects
Philipp J. Thomas
73. VAN ESPEN, Universal Ecclesiastical Law
Christoph H.F. Meyer
74. EMERIX DE MATTHIS, Decisions of the Sacred Roman Rota
Dolores Freda
75. BIJNKERSHOEK, Dissertation on the Dominion of the Sea
Kinji Akashi
76. HALE, The History and Analysis of the Common Law of England
David Ibbetson
77. BOHMER, Ecclesiastical Law of the Protestants
Emanuele Conte
78. HOLBERG, The Core of Morality
Soren Koch
79. HEINECCIUS, Fundamentals of Civil Law
Jan Schro-der
80. BERNI Y CATALA, The Instructed Lawyer in Spanish Civil Practice
Juan B. Canizares-Navarro
81. WOLFF, Natural Law considered according to the Sci-entific Method
Soren Koch
82. MURATORI, Defective Jurisprudence
Italo Birocchi
83. VINER, A General Abridgment of Law and Equity
Da-vid Ibbetson
84. MONTESQUIEU, The Spirit of Laws
Serge Dauchy
85. MAYANS Y CISCAR, Legal Discussions
Pascual Par-zal
86. CAMPOMANES, Treatise on the Regal Privileges of Spain
Jose Maria Vallejo Garcia-Hevia
87. GILBERT, The Law of Evidence
Michael R.T. Mac-nair
88. VATTEL, The Law of Nations
Frederik Dhondt
89. POTHIER, Treatise on Obligations
Rudolf Meyer-Pritzl
90. BECCARIA, On Crimes and Punishments
Isabel Ramos Vazquez
91. BLACKSTONE, Commentaries on the Laws of England
Wilfrid Prest
92. JORDAN DE ASSO, Institutes of the Civil Law of Castile
Juan Baro Pazos
93. JONES, An Essay on the Law of Bailments
Michael Hoeflich
94. LARDIZABAL Y URIBE, Discourse on Punishments
Ale-xandro Aguero
95. BENTHAM, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation
Emmanuelle de Champs
96. MELO FREIRE, Institutions of Portuguese Law
Antonio Manuel Hespanha
97. HUME, Commentaries on the Law of Scotland
James Chalmer
Chapter 4: Law Books in the Modern Western World: Nineteenth and Twen-tieth Centuries
98. FEUERBACH, Textbook of the Common Criminal Law Applicable in Germany
Arnd Koch
99. THIBAUT, System of the Pandects' Law
Christian Bal-dus
100. MERLIN DE DOUAI, Universal and Reasoned Repertory of Law
Herve Leuwers
101. ZACHARIAE, Textbook of French Law
Olivier Descamps
102. SAVIGNY, Of the Vocation of Our Age for Legislation and Jurisprudence
Jan Schroder
103. ORSTED, Handbook on Danish and Norwegian Law
Dag Michalsen
104. KENT, Commentaries on American Law
Charles J. Reid
105. ESCRICHE Y MARTIN, Analytical Dictionary of Legislation and Jurisprudence
Agustin Parise
106. AUSTIN, The Province of Jurisprudence Determined
Michael Lobban
107. STORY, Commentaries on the Constitution of the Unit-ed States
Michael Hoeflich
108. LEWIN, A Practical Treatise on the Law of Trusts and Trustees
Chantal Stebbings
109. SMITH, A Selection of Leading Cases on Various Branches of the Law
Michael Lobban
110. PUCHTA, Textbook on the Pandects
Hans-Peter Haf-erkamp
111. SALA Y BANULS, Mexican Sala
Laura Beck-Varela
112. ALBERDI, Bases and Starting Points for the Political Organization of the Argentine Republic
Matthew C. Mirow
113. WINDSCHEID, The Actio of the Roman Civil Law from the Perspective of Modern-Day Law
Anja Amend-Traut
114. MEYER, Russian Civil Law
Dmitry Poldnikov
115. MAINE, Ancient Law
Ray Cocks
116. GOLDSCHMIDT, Handbook of Commercial Law
Stefania Gialdroni
117. BENJAMIN, Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property
Janwillem Oosterhuis
118. GIERKE, The German Law of Association
Gerhard Dilcher
119. LAURENT, Principles of Private Law
Dirk Heirbaut
120. LANGDELL, A Selection of Cases on the Law of Con-tracts
Heikki Pihlajamaki
121. JHERING, Law as a Means to an End
Okko Behrends
122. ANSON, Principles of the English Law of Contract
Catharine MacMillan
123. MUROMTSEV, Definition and Principal Division of Law
Dmitry Dozhdev
124. WENDELL HOLMES, The Common Law
Jean-Louis Halperin
125. STEPHEN, A History of the Criminal Law of England
Jula Hughes
126. DICEY, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution
Michael Lobban
127. POLLOCK, The Law of Torts
Matthew Dyson
128. DYUVERNUA, Excerpt of the Course of Lectures on Civil Law
Anton Rudokvas
129. PETRAZYCKI, The Doctrine of Income
Tomasz Giaro
130. SHERSHENEVICH, Textbook of Russian Private Law
Heike Litzinger
131. GENY, Method of Interpretation and Sources of Private Positive Law
Frederic Audren
132. JELLINEK, General Theory of State
Jean-Louis Halperin
133. WIGMORE, A Treatise on the System of Evidence in Trials at Common Law
Andrew Porwancher
134. DUGUIT, Social Law, Individual Law and the Trans-formation of the State
Bruno Debaenst
135. MAITLAND, The Forms of Actions
W. Hamilton Bryson
136. HAURIOU, Principles of Public Law
Yann-Arzel Du-relle-Marc
137. HAGERUP, The General Doctrines of Criminal Law
Lars Bjorne
138. POKROVSKY, Basic Problems of Private Law
Martin Avenarius
139. ROMANO, The Legal Order
Maurizio Fioravanti
140. SCHMITT, Dictatorship
Gilberto Bercovici
141. SINZHEIMER, An Outline of Labour Law
Naoko Matsumoto
142. WEBER, Economy and Society
Jean-Louis Halperin
143. PASHUKANIS, General Theory of Law and Marxism
Andreas Harms
144. LLEWELLYN, The Bramble Bush
William Twining
145. SANCHEZ DE BUSTAMANTE Y SIRVEN, International Public Law
Margarita Serna Vallejo
146. KELSEN, Pure Theory of Law
Jean-Louis Halperin
147. LUNDSTEDT, The Un-Scientific Nature of Legal Science
Heikki Pihlajamaki
148. RABEL, The Law of the Sale of Goods
Albrecht Cordes
149. OLIVECRONA, Law as Fact
Eric Millard
150. ROSS, On Law and Justice
Ditlev Tamm
List of Illustrations
Index of Names
Index by Keywords.roune)
Chapter 10. Conclusion: Sovereignty Modern.