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Roberto Esposito: Law, Community and the Political

ISBN13: 9781138241770
Published: November 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2015)
Price: £49.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780415673518

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Roberto Esposito: Law, Community and the Political provides an introduction to this increasingly influential Italian theorist's reconceptualisation of the relationship between law and community. Focusing primarily on Esposito's works Categories de l'Impolitique, Communitas and Bios, and Biopolitics and Philosophy, his work, it is argued, is animated by an abiding concern with the question of the political as that which remains unthought in the tradition of modern and contemporary political philosophy. Esposito's fundamental rethinking of the notion of community thereby breaks with the existing framework of political and legal philosophy; critiquing its traditions and, in the process, rethinking the very form of critique. Roberto Esposito: Law, Community and the Political the first monograph length study of Esposito in English, will be of considerable interest to those with interests in contemporary legal, political and philosophical thought.

Chapter 1: Rethinking Community and Law as Genealogy: The mode of critique in Categories de l'Impolitique
Chapter 4: Categories de l'Impolitique I: From Schmitt to Canetti
Chapter 3: Categories de l'Impolitique II: From Canetti to Bataille
Chapter 4: Beyond Genealogy to an Ontology of Actuality: The Rethinking of Community and Law in Communitas
Chapter 5: Communitas. The Origin and Destiny of Community I: Fear, Guilt, Law
Chapter 6: Communitas. The Origin and Destiny of Community II: Ecstacy, Experience, Nihilism
Chapter 7: From Foucault to Merleau-Ponty: The Rethinking of Community and Law in Bios
Chapter 8: Bios. Biopolitics and Philosophy I: Biopolitics, Immunization, Biopotentiality
Chapter 9: Bios. Biopolitics and Philosophy II: From Thanatopolitics to a Philosophy of Bios