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Principal Designer's Handbook: Guide to the CDM Regulations 2015

ISBN13: 9781859466926
Previous Edition ISBN: 1859466044
Published: February 2016
Publisher: RIBA Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £32.00 - Unavailable at Publisher

The new CDM regulations came into force on 6 April 2015 changing the face of construction health and safety riskmanagement on construction projects, large and small. This handbook has been specifically written to provide straightforward, practical and easy-to-read guidance to anyone undertaking the new principal designer role. It is primarily aimed towards the needs of the sole practitioner or small/medium sized practices who offer principal designer services, either as a stand-alone service or in addition to other design services.

The Handbook is a quick, first point of reference for both new principal designers and experienced design risk practitioners and will help the industry achieve a proportionate response to health and safety design risk management in the pre-construction phase by helping those who have sufficient health and safety skill, knowledge and experience carry out the principal designer role, where they feel confident to do so.

The Principal Designer Handbook covers:

  • The principal designer role – provides an overview of the role; details the key responsibilities; and outlines how they differ on commercial and domestic projects.
  • The principal designer in practice – includes details on fees and appointments; pre-construction information; design risk management; and how to prepare a health and safety file.
  • Liaison with the principal contractor – includes details of the construction phase plan; the continuing liaison required during the construction phase; and guidance on the defects liability period.
  • Standard and exemplar documents – includes fees and appointment worked examples; examples of a health and safety file; and other useful templates which will be modified and updated as experience of the Regulations develop
  • The key CDM roles – outlines the key roles and responsibilities for the Client, Designer, Principal Designer, Principal Contractor, Contractors, Workers, and CDM Advisor.

Construction Law