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Woods on Road Traffic Offences 4th ed

ISBN13: 9781784512057
Published: August 2018
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional (Ireland)
Country of Publication: Ireland
Format: Hardback
Price: £167.00

Despatched in 5 to 7 days.

Road Traffic Offences are by far the most prosecuted type of criminal offence in the Courts of Ireland. Woods on Road Traffic Offences provides a single of point of reference for road traffic law, covering the investigation, prosecution and the hearing of offence cases in Ireland.

The book covers a wide range of topics including detecting traffic violations, careless driving, parking and obstruction offences, and lighting of vehicles. These are set out in a straightforward and helpful manner. The statutory provision is set out along with the potential penalties and possible defences.

This new edition has been extensively revised and rewritten. In particular this new edition has been updated to include:

  • The enactment of Road Traffic act 2010 which substantially overhauls the landscape on driving offences.
  • New EU rules for maximum daily and fortnightly driving times, as well as daily and weekly minimum rest periods for all drivers of road haulage and passenger transport vehicles.
  • Legislative changes in the area of Public Service Vehicles
  • Considerable amendments to the Finance Acts as they relate to Road Traffic Offences

Irish Law
1. Detecting Traffic Violations – Powers and Obligations of Gardai and Motorists
2. Fixed Charge and Penalty Point Offences
3. Prosecution of Road Traffic Offences
4. Summons Procedure – Issue and Service of Summons
5. Arrest of Peson for Suspected or Alleged Offence
6. Conduct of Court Proceedings
7. Appeal, Set Aside, Review Petition and Mitigation

8. Driving Licences
9. Speeding Offences
10. Compulsory Insurance of Mechanically Propelled Vehicles
11. Dangerous Driving, Careless Driving, ….
12. Duties on Occurrence of Accidents
13. Unauthorized taking, interfering with, Vehicles
14. Intoxicant Offences

15. Testing, Examination and Control of Vehicles
16. Regulation of Traffic
17. Parking and Obstruction Offences
18. Control of Weight of Vehicles
19. Control of Supply, Construction, Equipment and Use of Vehicles
20. Lighting of Vehicles

21. Registration and Licensing of Vehicles
22. Provisions governing the Operation of Public Service Vehicles
23. Provisions relating to Road Transport Operations
24. Roads Acts 1993 and 1998
25. Mineral Oil and Excise Prosecutions
26. Miscellaneous Statutory Provisions
