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Research Handbook on the WTO and Technical Barriers to Trade

Edited by: Tracey Epps, Michael J. Trebilcock

ISBN13: 9781783470341
Published: May 2015
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2013)
Price: £56.45
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780857936714

Despatched in 4 to 6 days.

A relatively new frontier for legal and policy analysis, technical barriers to trade (TBT's) have become more common as traditional border barriers have been reduced.

This comprehensive Handbook comprises original essays by eminent trade scholars exploring the implications of the WTO's TBT Agreement. The TBT Agreement imposes disciplines on the manner in which WTO member countries adopt and maintain technical measures, recognizing the importance of such measures to advance legitimate domestic policy goals such as health, safety and environmental objectives, but also the potential for technical measures to constitute barriers to trade.

The contributors to this volume provide an in-depth examination of the text of the Agreement and how the WTO's dispute settlement system, the TBT Committee, WTO members, and other international organizations have engaged with and been affected by it. The book's comprehensive and accessible approach makes it a first point of reference for all trade law practitioners, policymakers and regulators.

International Trade
Foreword Michael J. Trebilcock
1. Introduction Robert Howse
2. The TBT Agreement in Context Arkady Kudryavtsev
3. Conformity Assessment Procedures Arthur E. Appleton
4. Transparency Obligations under the TBT Agreement Denise Prevost
5. Standard of Review in Dispute in TBT Cases Michael M. Du
6. Moving Out of the Shadows: Bringing Transparency to Standards and Regulations in the WTO's TBT Committee Petros Mavroidis and Erik N. Wijkstrom
7. International Standards Markus Wagner
8. Mutual Recognition Agreements and Equivalence Agreements Helen Churchman
9. The Limits of PTAs: WTO Legal Restrictions on the Use of WTO-Plus Technical Regulations in PTAs Joel P. Trachtman
10. The TBT Agreement and Developing Countries Graham Mayeda
11. Contemporay Probems of Climate Change and the TBT Agreement: Moving Beyond Eco-Labelling Michael Cardwell and Fiona Smith
12. The REACH Regulation and the TBT Agreement: The Role of the TBT Committee in Regulatory Processes Lukasz Gruszczynski
13. Consumer Information, Consumer Preferences and Product Labels under the TBT Agreement Tania Voon, Andrew Mitchell and Catherine Gascoigne
14. The TBT Agreement and Private Standards Alessandra Arcuri
15. Technical Barriers to Trade in Information and Communication Technologies Branislav Hazucha
16. Conclusion Tracey Epps