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Reforming European Data Protection Law

Edited by: Serge Gutwirth, Ronald Leenes, Paul De Hert

ISBN13: 9789401793841
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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This book on privacy and data protection offers readers conceptual analysis as well as thoughtful discussion of issues, practices, and solutions. It features results of the seventh annual International Conference on Computers, Privacy, and Data Protection, CPDP 2014, held in Brussels January 2014. The book first examines profiling, a persistent core issue of data protection and privacy. It covers the emergence of profiling technologies, on-line behavioral tracking, and the impact of profiling on fundamental rights and values. Next, the book looks at preventing privacy risks and harms through impact assessments. It contains discussions on the tools and methodologies for impact assessments as well as case studies.

The book then goes on to cover the purported trade-off between privacy and security, ways to support privacy and data protection, and the controversial right to be forgotten, which offers individuals a means to oppose the often persistent digital memory of the web. Written during the process of the fundamental revision of the current EU data protection law by the Data Protection Package proposed by the European Commission, this interdisciplinary book presents both daring and prospective approaches. It will serve as an insightful resource for readers with an interest in privacy and data protection.

Data Protection
Serge Gutwirth, Ronald Leenes and Paul De Hert
I. Profiling: a persistent core issue of data protection and privacy
1. The emergence of profiling technologies and its impact on Fundamental Rights and Values.
Francesca Bosco, Niklas Creemers, Valeria Ferraris, Daniel Guagnin and Bert-Jaap Koops
2. On-line behavioral tracking: what may change after the legal reform on personal data protection
Georgia Skouma and Laura Leonard
II. Taming the future : assessments and evaluations of risks in the sphere of privacy and data protection
3. A systematic approach to the legal evaluation of security measures in public transportation
Christian Ludwig Geminn and Alexander Rossnagel
4. Models and tools for the computational support of technology impact assessments, applied in the context of mass transportation
Ronald Grau
5. Impact Assessment as negotiated knowledge
Leon Hempel and Hans Lammerant
6. Data Processing in Employment Relations
Impacts of the European General Data Protection Regulation focusing on the Data Protection Officer at the worksite
Clara Fritsch
III. To forget or not to forget? Or is the question: how to forget?
7. Timing the Right to Be Forgotten. A study into "time" as a factor in deciding about retention or erasure of data
Paulan Korenhof, Jef Ausloos, Ivan Szekely, Meg Ambrose, Giovanni Sartor, Ronald Leenes
8. Ten Reasons Why the 'Right to be Forgotten' should be Forgotten
Christiana Markou
9. Tracing the right to be forgotten in the short history of data protection law: The "new clothes" of an old right
Gabriela Zanfir
IV. Does it take two to tango: Privacy and security?
10. Privacy versus security: problems and possibilities for the trade-off model
Govert Valkenburg
11. Privacy and security - on the evolution of a European conflict
Matthias Leese
V. Designing and supporting privacy and data protection
12. Evolving FIPPs: Privacy by Design Not Privacy Paternalism
Ann Cavoukian
13. Evolution or revolution? Steps forward to a new generation of data protection regulation
Attila Kiss and Gergely Laszlo Szoke
14. Do People Know about Privacy and Data Protection Strategies? Towards the "Online Privacy Literacy Scale" (OPLIS)
Sabine Trepte et al
15. LEAP: The LEAP Encryption Access Project
Elijah Sparrow and Harry Halpin
16. Enabling Privacy by Design in Medical Records Sharing
Jovan Stevovic, Eleonora Bassi, Alessio Giori, Fabio Casati and Giampaolo Armellin.