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Recognition and Enforcement of International Commercial Arbitral Awards in Latin America: Law, Practice and Leading Cases

Edited by: Omar E. Garcia-Bolivar, Hernando Otero

ISBN13: 9789004284357
Published: November 2014
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £127.00

Despatched in 11 to 13 days.

The editors of Recognition and Enforcement of International Commercial Arbitral Awards in Latin America: Law, Practice and Leading Cases present a country-by-country review of the law, treaties and leading cases on the recognition and enforcement of international arbitration awards in the region.

In a global economy where arbitration has become standard for dispute resolution between commercial entities of different nationalities, the enforcement of international awards in local jurisdictions is the ultimate bottom-line. Yet even with international conventions in place to facilitate the processpractical information on how Latin American courts enforce international arbitral awards is limited.

Organized by country, each chapter provides a relevant overview and guide to the substantive and procedural practice in the jurisdiction. In contrast to other sources of information and databases, the book provides references to leading cases,analysis of relevant laws and international treaties and a description of local practice.

Other Jurisdictions , Latin America
Table of Cases
Introduction by Omar García-Bolívar and Hernando Otero
1. Argentina by Julio César Rivera
2. Bolivia by Fernando Aguirre B.
3. Brazil by Nadia de Araujo and Ricardo Ramalho Almeida
4. Chile by Gonzalo Biggs
5. Colombia by Rafael Bernal and Hernando Otero
6. Costa Rica by Roy Herrera
7. Dominican Republic by Lorena Pérez McGill
8. Ecuador by Alvaro Galindo and Francisco Endara
9. El Salvador by Roberto José Tercero
10. Guatemala by Álvaro Castellanos Howell
11. Honduras by Fanny Rodríguez and Mario Agüero
12. Mexico by Claudia Frutos-Peterson and Antonio Riva Palacio
13. Nicaragua by Fernando Medina Montiel and Jose Rene Cruz Orue
14. Panama by Katherine González Arrocha and Adrián Martínez Benoit
15. Paraguay by Diego Zavala
16. Peru by Carlos Paitanand Danny Quiroga
17. Uruguay by Leonardo Melos
18. Venezuela by Diana Droulers, Emilio García-Bolívar and Adriana Vaamonde M.