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Legal Frameworks for the Built Environment (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781136744723
ISBN: 0419212701
Published: January 1998
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £54.17
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Current changes and pressures to transcend professional barriers throughout the construction industry are being reflected in the way built environment education and training is now planned and designed. Courses are focusing on aspects which are common to all the subjects to foster a multi-professional approach and lead to better collaborative practice. The Built Environment Series of Textbooks (BEST) provides the texts which are relevant to more than one course and addresses areas of commonality in an original and innovative way. Learning aids in the texts - chapter objectives, workpieces and checklists - will test your understanding. A clear structure to each chapter makes it easy for you to follow and absorb the information. Essential for tomorrow's architects, planners, quantity surveyors, landscape architects, building surveyors, housing managers and estate managers. Law is a complex subject and has a major impact on the built environment and all those working in it.;It forms perhaps the strongest interdisciplinary link between the various areas within the built environment and Legal Frameworks for the Built Environment provides the broad understanding of legislativ frameworks, statutory controls, policies and procedures, as well as of the law and its applications, that is essential to all built environment professionals.

Part One: The framework. Legal professionals - Helen Smitheman, UK. Introdcution. Historical evolution of the legal professions. Education and training. Employment. Control. Changes in the operation of the legal profession. Other legal personnel. The legal aid system. Summary. References and further reading. Law - its origin and operation - Richard Jordan, UK. Introduction: legislation. Delegated legislation. Hierarchy of the courts. Distinguishing. Ratio decidendi and obiter dicta. Summary. References and further reading. Dispute resolution - Helen Smitheman, UK. Introduction. Stages of dispute resolution. Characteristics of the courts. Jurisdiction of the courts. Tribunals. Arbitration. Summary. References and further reading. Key players and the law - Jean Badman, UK. Introduction. The key players and their roles. Central government. Agencies. Legislative role of central government. Local government. The public. Interest groups. The European Union (EU). Summary. References and further reading. The influence of the European Union on the built environment - David Lynch, UK. Introduction. The development of the European built environment. Post-war reconstruction. Growth of the European Economic Community (EEC). The European Community and the single market. The creation of the European Union (EU). Sources of the European Union law. The European legislative system. The legislative process. Judicial supervision and enforcement. Europe, the built environment and regional policy. Summary. References and further reading. Policy and procedures - Jean Badman, UK and Laurie Grimmett, UK. Introduction. Central government policy. Local government policy. Policy and judges. Summary. References and further reading. Part Two: Elements of the law in practice. Private law:contract - Helen Smitheman, UK. Introduction. Views on the functions of contract. Structure of a contract. Formation of the agreement: offer and acceptance. Form of the contract. Contents of a contract. Vitiating factors. Termination of the contract. Remedies for breach of contract. Summary. References and further reading. Private law: tort - Peter Barrett, UK and Richard Jordan, UK. Introduction. Negligence. Trespass. Nuisance. The rule in Rylands v. Fletcher. Summary. References and further reading. Land and land law - Jan Russell, UK. Introduction. Estates in land. Co-ownership. Mortgages. Restricitive covenants. Easements. Adverse possession. European land law. Summary. References and further reading. The use and development of land - Laurie Grimmett, UK, Jean Badman, UK and Peter Barrett, UK. Introduction. Planning legislation. Planning (listed buildings and conservation areas) Act 1990. Ancient monuments. Summary. References and further reading. Index.