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Labor Law: Analysis and Advocacy 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781578233250
Published: July 2013
Publisher: Juris Publishing
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: £145.00

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Labor Law Analysis and Advocacy presents in detail, but within a single volume, the interpretation of the National Labor Relations Act as developed by the federal courts and the National Labor Relations Board. The book explores the pertinent legal rules as currently interpreted and applied; as well as the evolution and underlying purposes of the rules, the persuasiveness of the court and NLRB decisions, and the significant open issues. A unique and important feature is the treatment of matters of practice, procedure and strategy that are of importance to the practicing attorney, whether representing management, labor, employees or the government. Practice tips are interspersed throughout as "Advocate Practice Points" translating the legal rules into advice and strategies. These tips address the practicalities of labor law, and set forth thoughtful advice for use in common real-life situations, from the perspective of both labor and management.

Labor Law Analysis and Advocacy is largely derived from a treatise in the Hornbook series (West Publishing Co.) written initially in 1976 (by Professor Gorman) and revised by Professors Gorman and Finkin in 2004. The principal audiences for this publication are both generalist and specialist practitioners, ranging from those interested in an introduction to basic labor law principles to those interested in the specifics of their application, whether presenting cases before courts or the NLRB or advising clients about concerted activities or collective bargaining. Labor Law Analysis and Advocacy is also of value to federal judges and their law clerks, and to students doing basic or advanced study in labor law.