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Cases, Materials and Notes on Partnerships and Canadian Business Corporations 6th ed

ISBN13: 9780779873142
Published: August 2016
Publisher: The Carswell Company Ltd.
Country of Publication: Canada
Format: Paperback
Price: £128.00

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The 6th edition of Cases, Materials and Notes on Partnerships and Canadian Business Corporations remains the definitive source of the law relating to partnerships and corporations.

This edition provides a comprehensive update (including commentary) of statutory and common law changes affecting corporate law, shareholder rights and remedies and director duties, including an in depth discussion of the Supreme Court's decision in the People and BCE series of cases.

The text has also been retooled to be more concise while maintaining the level of depth necessary to provide a thorough understanding of the relevant principles and issues in corporate law and the law of partnerships. Major issues covered include directors' duties, the oppression remedy, shareholder activism.

What's New:-

This edition has been updated to address changes in corporate law and includes discussions on the following new developments:-

  • Full commentary on new decisions such as Peoples and Re BCE – cases which have shifted the landscape of the law of business corporations – including their effects and how they will impact the future of corporate law
  • the increased role of securities commissions in regulating corporate law
  • the proposed national securities regulator
  • the challenges of companies with dual-class shares structures
  • the change in shareholder and stakeholder attitudes towards corporate activity
  • the expansion of director and officer liability (and the potential for criminal liability)