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Readings in Law and Popular Culture

Edited by: Steven Greenfield, Guy Osborn

ISBN13: 9780415651349
Published: March 2013
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £27.99

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Readings in Law and Popular Culture is the first book to bring together high quality research, with an emphasis on context, from key researchers working at the cutting-edge of both law and cultural disciplines. Fascinating and varied, the volume crosses many boundaries, dealing with areas as diverse as football-based computer games, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, digital sampling in the music industry, the films of Sidney Lumet, football hooliganism, and Enid Blyton. These topics are linked together through the key thread of the role of, or the absence of, law - therefore providing a snapshot of significant work in the burgeoning field of law and popular culture. Including important theoretical and truly innovative, relevant material, this contemporary text will enliven and inform a legal audience, and will also appeal to a much broader readership of people interested in this highly topical area.

General Interest
1. Introduction.

Part 1 - Theory and Academia
2. The Case of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Politics of Legal Education
3. Peter's Choice: Issues of Identity, Lifestyle and Consumption in Changing Representations of Corporate Lawyers and Legal Academics
4. Beyond Textual Analysis: Are the Media Really Shaping People's Understanding of the Law?

Part 2 - Sport
5. Contextualising the Football Disorder Act: Proportionality under the Hammer
6. Sports and the Countryside in the 21st Century
7. Virtually Foul or Virtually Fair? FIFA, Fair Play, Fouling and Football Games
8. The Juridification of Sport

Part 3 - Film, Literature and Music
9. The Justice Films of Sidney Lumet
10. Gender, Power and Law in Screwball Comedy: Re-viewing Talk of the Town and Adam's Rib
11. Five Find Treasure: The Ownership of the Past in Enid Blyton's Five on Finniston Farm
12. A License to Bill? Power Relations and Contemporary Themes in Music Copyright
13. The Legal Implications Surrounding the Practice of Video Sampling in the Digital Age
14. Law, Music and the Creative Process - Who Is an Author?

Series: Routledge Studies in Law, Society and Popular Culture

Television and the Legal System ISBN 9780415652247
Published January 2013
Gigs: Jazz and the Cabaret Laws in New York City 2nd ed ISBN 9780415648004
Published October 2012
Cricket and the Law: The Man in White is Always Right ISBN 9780714682853
Published July 2005