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Multilingual Law: A Framework for Analysis and Understanding

ISBN13: 9781409421887
Published: July 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £150.00

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This book introduces and explores the concept of multilingual law. Providing an overview as to what is 'multilingual law', the study establishes a new discourse based on this concept, which has hitherto lacked recognition for reasons of complexity and multi-disciplinarity. The need for such a discourse now exists and is becoming urgent in view of the progress being made towards European integration and the legal and factual foundation for it in multilingualism and multilingual legislation.

Covering different types of multilingual legal orders and their distinguishing features, as well as the basic structure of legal systems, the author studies policy formation, drafting, translation, revision, terminology and computer tools in connection with the legislative and judicial processes.

Bringing together a range of diverse legal and linguistic ideas under one roof, this book is of importance to legal-linguists, drafters and translators, as well as students and scholars of legal linguistics, legal translation and revision.

Public International Law
Preface. Part I Introduction: Concept of multilingual law
Framework of models and an overview.
Part II Law: Viewpoints of law
Legal texts
Law of language(s).
Part III Language: Viewpoints of language
Language(s) for legal purposes.
Part IV Signs: Law and language as signs.
Part V Meaning: Texts, terms and meanings.
Part VI Translation and Revision: Viewpoints of translation
Part VII Back-up, Support and Training: Tools and technology
Education and training.
Part VIII Framework, Models and Applications: Framework for analysis and understanding
Multilingual law. Appendices