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Biodiversity Conservation, Law and Livelihoods: Bridging the North-South Divide

ISBN13: 9781107404953
Published: March 2013
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2008)
Price: £46.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780521885034

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The IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Research Studies' third colloquium of 2005 brought together more than 130 experts from 27 nations on nearly every continent. This book brings together a number of the papers presented there and offers a global perspective on biodiversity conservation and the maintenance of sustainable cultures. It addresses issues from international, regional, and country-specific perspectives. The book is organized thematically to present a broad spectrum of issues, including the history and major governance structures in this area; the needs, problems, and prerequisites for biodiversity; area-based, species-based, and ecosystem-based conservation measures; the use of components of biodiversity and the processes affecting it; biosecurity; and access to and sharing of benefits from components of biodiversity and their economic value.

Environmental Law
Message from Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations
'Macquarie Statement' (adopted by consensus at 3rd IUCN Academy Colloquium)
Part I. The Context:
1. Environmental law forty years later: looking back and looking ahead
2. Biodiversity and international law: historical perspectives and present challenges - where do we come from, where are we going?
3. Some observations on the IUCN, the Earth Charter, and global governance
4. The changing role of law in the pursuit of sustainability
Part II. Biodiversity: Its Conservation (A) Needs, Problems, Pre-Requisites:
5. Biodiversity conservation in the context of sustainable human development: a call to action
6. Legal and paralegal rules for biodiversity conservation: a sequence of conceptual, linguistic and legal problems
7. Future directions in conservation of biological diversity: an interdisciplinary approach
(B) Implementation of the CBD: 8. Experience, mistakes and challenges: an overview about the implementation of the convention on biological diversity in Brazil
(C) National and Regional Legal and Institutional Tools and Regimes: 9. EC law and biodiversity
10. Regionalising community-based biodiversity conservation: institutional antinomy in Pacific Island environmental governance?
Part III. Conservation Measures (A) Area-Based:
11. The recent NSW experience, from regional forest agreements to Brigalow and the introduction of the Community Conservation Area
12. Local people's perceptions and attitudes towards Nech-Sar National Park, Ethiopia
13. Japanese MPA's at a turning point: nomination of Shiretoko for World Heritage status
(B) Species-Based: 14.
10 years of threatened species legislation in NSW- what are the lessons?
15. Sanctuaries, protected species and politics: how effective is Australia at protecting its marine biodiversity under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999?
16. Legal stewardship of mountain regions: the emerging eco-regime
Part IV. Uses of Components of Biodiversity:
17. Legal framework for the ecological and biodiversity needs of soil: progress towards an international instrument for the sustainable use of soil
18. The Ghanaian forestry regime: bridging the gap between the north and south
19. Bridging the dominant-indigenous peoples cultural divide: reflections on Makah whaling
Part V. Processes Affecting Biodiversity: (A) Global Warming:
20. Do biodiversity and climate change laws mix?
21. Emissions trading: a fantasy for China to combat global warming? From a political standpoint
(B) Land Management:
22. A brief historical comparison of the public land disposal policies in Brazil and in the United States
23. Protecting ecological functions - ecological function zoning and its conservation zones in the PRC
24. The successful eco-grass project and the policy and legal issues met and solved
Part VI. Biosecurity Issues (A) Invasive Alien Species:
25. Prevention and control of alien invasive species: China's implementation of CBD (B) GMOs:
26. Who is to blame? Liability and redress schemes related to GMOs
27. The reality and effect of 'advance informed agreement' under the Cartagena Protocol
Part VII. Access and Benefit Sharing:
(A) The Situation in Antarctica:
28. Access, obligations and benefits: regulating bioprospecting in the Antarctic
(B) Indigenous Intellectual and Cultural Property Rights:
29. Biotechnological innovations, genetic resources and traditional knowledge: current developments at the World Intellectual Property Organisation
30. Sharing all the benefit: the challenge of legal recognition of indigenous intellectual and cultural property rights in the Fiji Islands.

Series: IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Research Studies

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