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Women and Transitional Justice: The Experience of Women as Participants, Practitioners and Protagonists in Transitional Justice Processes

ISBN13: 9780415699112
Published: November 2012
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £150.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781138805224

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This book discusses the evolving principle of transitional justice in public international law and international relations from the female perspective at a time when the concept is increasingly recognised by the international community as an effective framework in which to negotiate and manage a community's post-conflict transition to peace and stability. It adopts a gender lens with a particular focus on women's direct experiences and perceptions either as intended beneficiaries of transitional justice (TJ), protagonists in that process or as practitioners, in order to present a unique view in relation to the development of TJ.

The book is split into three parts: The Recognition and Contribution of Women in TJ Theory; Women as Protagonists in the TJ Process; Women as Participants in TJ; and The Role of Women in Non-Traditional TJ Processes. The book contains contributions from a range of experts in the field of TJ including Edith Weiss Brown, Eilish Rooney, Nahla Valji, Catalina Diaz and Julissa Mantilla. The range of experiences and knowledge in this collection provide a fresh and unique perspective in the blend of theory and practice that these contributions collectively provide.

International Criminal Law
Foreword, Edith Brown-Weiss
Introduction, Lisa Yarwood

Part 1: The Recognition and Contribution of Women in Transitional Justice Theory
1. Intersectional Feminist Theory for Transitional Society, Eilish Rooney
2. The Recognition of Gender Crimes in the International Courts, Caroline Fournet
3. Denial, Impunity and Transitional Justice: The Fate of Female Rape Victims in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Clotilde Pegorier
4. Women, Peace and Security: Mainstreaming Gender in Transitional Justice Processes, Amy Barrow

Part 2: Women as Protagonists in the Transitional Justice Process
5. The Role of Women Asylum Seekers in International Transitional Justice Processes in the Conflict State and the Asylum State, Sarah Maddox
6. Women as Post Conflict Community Builders:The East Timor Experience, Nicole Turner
7. The Role of International Prosecutors in Facilitating Transitional Justice for Women, Andra Mobberley

Part 3:Women as Participants in Transitional Justice
8. The Legacy of Gender Issues at the ICTR, Clair Duffy
9. Promoting Gender in Transitional Justice Processes: The Role of the United Nations, Nahla Valji
10. Protecting the Rights of the Girl Child in Transitional Justice, Annelotte Dekker
11. Women Survivors and Transitional Justice, Polly Dewhirst
12. Gender and Transitional Justice in South Africa, Helen Scanlon

Part 4: The Role of Women in Non-Traditional Transitional Justice Processes
13. Women, Transitional Justice and Indigenous Conflict: The Role of Women in Addressing New Zealand's Colonial Past, Lisa Yarwood
14. Reparations in Latin America from a Gender Perspective, Catalina Diaz
15. Julissa Mantilla
16. Conclusion, Lisa Yarwood